Publikācijas zinātniskajā periodikā
Zinātniskajās datu bāzēs iekļautās publikācijas
13. A.Sternbergs, I.Muzikante, R.Dobulans, D.Millers, L.Grigorjeva, K.Smits, M.Knite, G.Sakale, Polymer nanomaterials for novel sensing systems, Springer Science and Business Media - NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – B : Physics and Biophysics, 2011, (pieņemts) (SCOPUS)
28. A.Skudra, Z.Gavare, N.Zorina, M.Zinge, E.Gavars, R.Poplausks, A.Svagere, Plasma Temperature and Surface Studies of Argon-Hydrogen Containing Low-Temperature Dumbbell form Light Sources, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B 1 (2011), 439-444 (SCOPUS)
39. Кирилов Г.К., Буланов А.С., Михайлова И., Беляков С.В., Кирилова Е.М., Гербредер А.В. Новые люминесцентные композиты на основе As2S3, содержащие органический люминофор. Физика, 54 (2), 2011, 180-184. (VINITI).
Publikācijas, kas nav pieejamas starptautiski citējamās datu bāzēs
Publikācijas starptautisku konferenču rakstu krājumos
3. M.Vanags, J.Kleperis, G.Bajars, A.Lusis (2011) Analysis of inductive current pulse dynamics in water electrolyses cell. Proceedings of 4th World Hydrogen Technologies Convention, Glasgow, UK. Paper ID: 0103
Iesniegšanai sagatavotās publikācijas
1. L. Grigorjeva, Dz. Jankoviča, K. Smits, D.Millers, S. Zazubovich. Luminescence of Ce3+, Pr3+ and Ce/Pr doped YAG nanopowders. IEEE Tranaction
2. Bulanov A., Kirilov G., Kirilova E. Optical and luminescence properties of thermally evaporated benzanthrone dyes thin film.
3. Kirilova E., Ivanova I., Orlova N. Synthesis, fluorescence and solvatochromism of novel 3-aminoderivatives of benzanthrone.
4. Ivanova I. D., Orlova N. V.Synthesis of novel solvatochromic dyes by reduction of 3‑iminobenzanthrones, P.Valdena 7. simpozijs organiskajā ķīmijā, Latvijas Ķīmijas Žurnāls
5. G. Kunakova, J. Katkevics, A. Viksna, J. Varghese, J. D. Holmes, D.Erts Electrochemical impedance spectra of Bi2S3 nanowire arrays.
Iesniegtie darbi
1. A.Vembris, E.Zarins, J.Jubels, V.Kokars, I.Muzikante, A.Miasojedovas, S.Jursenas, Synthesis, thermal and optical properties of red luminescent glass forming symmetric and non symmetric styryl-4H-pyran-4-ylidene fragment containing derivatives, J.Phys.Chem. B, 2011 dec
2. I. Manika, J. Maniks, R. Zabels, J. Gabrusenoks, M. Krause, M. Tomut, K. Schwartz, Nanoindentation and Raman spectroscopy study of graphite irradiated with swift 238U ions, Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures
3. M. Dunce, R. Taukulis, E. Birks, I. Aulika, A. Fuith, M. Antonova, A. Sternberg. Thermal expansion, Burns temperature and electromechanical properties in Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-SrTiO3-PbTiO3 solid solutions. Integrated Ferroelectrics.
4. M.Auzinsh, A.Berzins, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, L.Kalvans, A.Mozers, D.Opalevs, Conversion of bright magneto-optical resonances into dark at fixed laser frequency for D2 excitation of atomic rubidium, Phys. Rev. A, [physics.atom-ph] (2011)
5. M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber, I.Fescenko, L.Kalvans, M.Tamanis Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances for systems with J~100 observed in K2 molecules arXiv:1110.1255v1 [physics.atom-ph] (2011)
Patentu pieteikumi
1. J.Teteris, V. Gerbreders “As-S-Se fotorezists hologrāfiskam ierakstam” Patents LV 14374 B20.08.2011.
Konferenču tēzes
1. B.Berzina, Spectral characterization of bulk hBN and nanotubes, International Symposium on Boron,Borides and Related Materials (ISBB); 11- 17 septembris 2011.g., Istambula, Turcija.
3. L.Grigorjeva, Dz.Jankoviča, K.Smits, D.Millers, S.Zazubovich, Luminescence of Ce3+, Pr3+ and Ce/Pr doped YAG nanopowders, SCINT2011, Giessen September, 2011
8. E. Elsts, U. Rogulis, J. Jansons, A. Sarakovskis, Cathodoluminescence of terbium activated oxyfluorides, Abstract of the 16th International conference on Luminescence & Optical specctroscopy of condensed matter ICL'11, Ann Arbor, USA, 2011, TuP130.
9. U. Rogulis, E. Elsts, J. Jansons, A. Sarakovskis, G. Doke, A. Stunda, K. Kundzins, Rare earth activated oxyfluoride glasses and glass-ceramics for scintillation applications, Abstract of the 11th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications SCINT'2011, Giessen, Germany, P 1.17
17. J.Linitis, A.Kalis, L.Grinberga, J.Kleperis, Research of TiO2 based solar sensitive electrodes, International young scientist conference, Developments in Optics and Communications, 28.-30.aprīlis, 2011, Rīga, Latvija
18. J.Linitis, L.Grinberga, J.Kleperis, Photochemical characteristics of TiO2 nanostructured layers for hydrogen production, International Conference on Hydrogen Production - ICH2P-2011, 19.-22. jūnijs, 2011, Thessaloniki, Grieķija
19. Ivanova I. D., Orlova N. V.Synthesis of novel solvatochromic dyes by reduction of 3‑imino-benzanthrones, P.Valdena 7. simpozijs organiskajā ķīmijā, 12-13. septembrī, 2011, Rīga.
20. Ivanova I. D., Orlova N., Kirilova E. Synthesis, fluorescence and solvatochromism of novel 3-aminoderivatives of benzanthrone. Methods and Applications of Fluorescence MAF12, Strasbourg, France, September 11-14, 2011.
28. M.Narels, E.Laizane, I.Muzikante, Photoinduced optical properties of azobenzene-polymer films, International Young Scientist Conference “Developments in Optics and Communications 2011”, Riga, Latvia, April 28-30, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 58
29. A.Vembris, I.Muzikante, R.Karpicz, V.Gulbinas, Stimulated emission from original glass forming organic compounds, 12th International Conference „Electronic and Related Properties of Organic Systems ERPOS-12”, July 10-13, Vilnius, Lithuania, Book of Abstracts, p.60
30. E.Laizane, D.Gustina, I.Muzikante, M.Narels, Temperature impact on photoisomerisation of carboxyl group containing azobenzene molecules in polymer films, 12th International Conference „Electronic and Related Properties of Organic Systems ERPOS-12”, July 10-13, Vilnius, Lithuania, Abstracts, p.151.
31. I.Muzikante, E.Fonavs, J.Sipols, R.Grzibovskis, J. Latvels, M. Rutkis, V.Kampars, P.Pastors, B.Turovska, Determination of the energy structure of indandione chromophores in thin films, European Conference on Organised Films ECOF-12, July 17-20, 2011, Sheffield, UK, Abstracts, p.66,
32. E.Laizane, D.Gustina, I.Muzikante, M.Narels, Photoisomerisation kinetics of carboxyl group azobenzene derivatives at different temperature, European Conference on Organised Films ECOF-12, July 17-20, 2011, Sheffield, UK, Abstracts, p. 105
49. J.Aleksejeva, A.Gerbreders, M.Reinfelde, J.Teteris, Photoinduced birefringence in azo-dye doped polyurethane, International Young Scientist Conference “Developments in Optics and Communications 2011”, Riga, Latvia, April 23-25, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 60.
50. U. Gertners, J.Teteris, Light intensity and its polarization relation to the photo-induced mass movement in thin layers of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors, 5th Intern.Conf. on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides (ANC-5), Bucharest, Romania, June 26-July 1, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 35.
51. J.Teteris, Photoinduced mass transport in amorphous chalcogenide and organic polymer films, 5th Intern.Conf. on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides (ANC-5), Bucharest, Romania, June 26-July 1, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 7.
52. M.Reinfelde, J.Teteris, Surface relief and polarization holographic grating formation in amorphous As-S-Se films, 5th Intern.Conf. on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides (ANC-5), Bucharest, Romania, June 26-July 1, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 37.
53. J.Aleksejeva, A.Gerbreders, U. Gertners, M.Reinfelde, J.Teteris, Polarization holographic recording in azo-benzene doped polyurethane polymer films, 5th Intern.Conf. on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides (ANC-5), Bucharest, Romania, June 26-July 1, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 40.
54. A.Gerbreders, J.Aleksejeva, J.Teteris, The synthesis of different variants of azo-polyurethane polymers for optical record, 5th Intern.Conf. on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides (ANC-5), Bucharest, Romania, June 26-July 1, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 45.
55. J.Teteris, J.Aleksejeva, E.Laizane, Photo-induced mass transport in azobenzene containing organic polymers, The 12th European Conf. on Organized Films (ECOF 12), Sheffield, United Kingdom, 17-20 July, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 52.
56. J.Teteris, J.Aleksejeva, U.Gertners, Photoinduced mass transport in amorphous chalcogenide and organic polymer films, 24th Intern. Conf. on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors (ICANS24), Nara, Japan, 21-26 August, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 38.
57. U.Gertners, J.Aleksejeva, J.Teteris, Photo-induced structural transformations in chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors, 24th Intern. Conf. on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors (ICANS24), Nara, Japan, 21-26 August, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 143.
58. J.Aleksejeva, A.Gerbreders, U.Gertners, M.Reinfelde, J.Teteris, Polarization and Surface Relief Gratings in Disperse Red1 Doped Polyurethane Thin Films, 24th Intern. Conf. on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors (ICANS24), Nara, Japan, 21-26 August, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 169.
59. A.Gerbreders, Photosensitive Polyurethanes for Optical Record, The 7th Intern. Conf. on Photonics, Devices and Systems (Photonics Prague 2011), Prague, Czech Republic, August 24-26, 2011, Book of abstracts, p.94.
60. U.Gertners, Direct Photo-Induced Surface-Relief Formation in Thin Layers of Chalcogenide Vitreous Semiconductors, The 13th Intern. Conf.”Advanced materials and technologies”, Palanga, Lithuania, 27-31 August, 2011, Book of abstracts, p.46.
61. J.Aleksejeva, A.Gerbreders, J.Teteris, Surface relief and polarization grating formation in azo-dye containingpolymer films, Intern. Conf.”Advanced optical materials and devices” (AOMD-7), Vilnius, Lithuania, August 28-31, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 10.
62. J.Teteris, Photoinduced mass transport in organic and inorganic polymers, Intern. Conf.”Advanced optical materials and devices” (AOMD-7), Vilnius, Lithuania, August 28-31, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 11.
63. A.Gerbreders, J.Aleksejeva, J.Teteris, Azo-polyurethane polymers for optical record, Intern. Conf.”Advanced optical materials and devices” (AOMD-7), Vilnius, Lithuania, August 28-31, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 21.
64. V.Kolbjonoks, V.Gerbreders, J.Teteris, Fabrication of gratings on chalcogenide As-S-Se thin films using electron beam, Intern. Conf.”Advanced optical materials and devices” (AOMD-7), Vilnius, Lithuania, August 28-31, 2011, Book of abstracts, p. 23.
65. V.Kolbjonoks, V.Gerbreders, J.Teteris, A.Bulanov, E.Tamanis, Electron beam lithography on As-S-Se films, 8th Intern Conf. “HoloExpo-2011”, 29 September- 01 October 2011, Proc. p.410-412.
66. M.Reinfelde, J.Teteris, Surface structuring by direct holographic recording, 8th Intern Conf. “HoloExpo-2011”, 29 September- 01 October 2011, Proc. p.219-223.
69. A.Berzins, M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, A.Jarmola, L.Kalvans, A.Papoyan, D. Sarkisyan, Magneto-optical resonances in D2 excitation of atomic rubidium vapour confined in an extremely thin cell, 43rd Congress of the European Group on Atomic Systems, Fribourg, Switzerland, June 28--July 2, 2011.
70. L.Kalvans, M.Auzinsh, A.Berzinsh, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, A.Mozers, D. Opalevs, Conversion of dark magneto-optical resonances to bright by controlled changes in the excitation parameters of the Rb D2 line at linearly polarized excitation, Photonica 2011, Belgrada, 2011. gada augusts.
71. L.Kalvans, M.Auzinsh, A.Berzinsh, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, A.Mozers, A. Spiss, Non-zero magnetic field level-crossing spectroscopy at D2 excitation of atomic Rubidium, V 'Rio de la Plata' Workshop on Laser Dynamics and Nonlinear Photonics, Kolonia del Sakramento, Urugvaja, 2011. gada decembris.
72. Katkevičs J., Viksna A., Kunakova G., Erts D. Bismuta sulfīda nanovadu elektroķīmiskie impedances spektri. TLZA Apvienotais pasaules latviešu zinātnieku 3. kongress un Letonikas 4. kongress, Rīga, 2011. gada 24. – 27. oktobris, Sekcija „Tehniskās zinātnes”, Tēžu krājums, RTU izdevniecība, 225 lp., 115 lappuse.
73. P.Birjukovs, G. Kunakova, J.D. Holmes, D.Erts. Anodised alumina membrane as host for nanoscale semiconductor devices. „The 4th International Symposium on Advanced micro- and mesoporous materials”, Varna, Bulgaria, September 6-9, 2011.
74. D.Erts, P.Birjukovs, G.Kunakova, J.Prikulis, Z.Krumina, J.D. Holmes. Conductive and Photoconductive Properties of Bi2S3 and Sb2S3 Nanowire Arrays. The 4th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium (NNS 2011), 23-25 september, Bali, Indonesia.
75. G.Kunakova, P.Birjukovs, Z.Alute, J.D. Holmes, D. Erts. Photoconductive properties of Bi2S3 and Sb2S3 nanowires. International Young Scientist Conference” Developments in Optics and Communications” (DOC), Riga, Latvia April 28 – 30, 2011.
82. G.P.Vissokov, D.T.Garlanov, D.G.Filkova, J.P.Grabis. Application of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. Nanosmat-6, 2011, October 17.-20., Krakow.
83. G. P. Karwasz, J. D. Fidelus, A. Karbowski, J. Patyk, R. S. Brusa, J. Grabis. Positron-annihilation and structural studies of nanostructured ZrO2, ZnO and Bi2O3. E-MRS 2011 FALL MEETING September 19-23, 2011 Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, H78.
84. Grabis J. Plasma chemical synthesis of multicoponent nanopowders, their characteristics and processing. 7-th National Conference on Green Technologies and Enviromental Protection, 26-29 May, 2011, Sofia. Book of Abstracts, 100. (uzaicinātā lekcija)
85. Grabis J. Preparation of nanoparticles by thermal plasma or chemical technique and their processing. The Annual Workshop Materials´ Days at the University of Rostock 7. Materials’ Days October 6th - 7th 2011 in Rostock (uzaicinātā lekcija).
86. M.Kodols, S.Didrihsone, J.Grabis. Synthesis of Bi2WO6 photocatalyst nanopowders with wet chemical. Book of Abstracts 20th International Baltic Conference "Materials Engineering 2011" 27–28 October 2011, Kaunas, Lithuania, pp.46-47
87. J. Grabis, Dz. Jankoviča, M. Kodols, Dz. Rašmane. Photocatalytic activity of ZnWO4 nanoparticles prepared by combustion synthesis. Euromat 2011. European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes. 12-15 September. Montpellier, France, 63.
88. J.Grabis. Latvian Materials Research Society. 20thInternational Baltic Conference "Materials Engineering 2011" 27–28 October 2011, Kaunas, Lithuania (uzaicinātā lekcija)
92. J. Kreicberga, J. Sirotkina, V. Kampars, I. Mihailovs, M. Rutkis, A. Jurgis. Covalently coupled multi-DMABI Hromophores: Synthesis, Linear and nonlinear optical properties. ERPOS-12, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2011, P2-42
93. J. Sirotkina, V.Kampars. Nonlinear Indan-1,3-dione Chromophores Based on Triphenylamine. Abstracts of the 52nd International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia, 2011, p.23
94. V.Kampars, P.Pastors, M.Rutkis, I.Muzikante, B.Turovska. Evaluation of LUMO energies of DMABI analogues by voltammetry and quantum chemical calculation. Abstracts of the 52nd International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia, 2011, p.17
95. V.Kampars, J.Kreicberga, P.Pastors, M.Roze, S.Gaidukovs, K.Balodis, M.Plotniece, J.Sirotkina, L.Laipniece, N.Kiričenko, K.Pīterāne, L.Vesjolaja, G.Bērziņa, B.Turovska, I.Muzikante, M.Rutks, Jaunu organisko hromoforu sintēze un to raksturojumi. Apvienotais pasaules latviešu zinātnieku III kongress un Letonikas IV kongress, Rīga, 2011, p.31
1. 7. starptautiskajā izstāde “ Vide un Enerģija 2011”, starptautiskais izstāžu centrs Ķīpsalā, 20. - 23. oktobris, 2011
2. Dalība Latvijas izgudrojumu izstādē 4. novembrī ar prezentāciju par izstrādātām luminiscentām krāsvielām
3. Dalība DU „Zinātnes festivālā” ar publiskās lekcijas „Kādas ir krāsvielas” lasīšanu 2011.gada 8. novembrī.
4. Dalība pasākumā „Zinātnieku nakts” 23. septembrī.
Aizstāvētās disertācijas
1. Valdis Korsaks „Luminiscences procesi dažādi strukturētos BN materiālos”; iesniegts 2011.g. LU, disertācija doktora grāda iegūšanai fizikā; apakšnozare: cietvielu fizika.
3. Linards Kalvāns, Magneto-optisko rezonanšu signālu īpatnību izpēte sārmu metālu tvaikos, Rīga, LU
Izstrādājamās disertācijas
1. Jurģis Grūbe “Augšup-pārveidotā luminiscence ar retzemju elementiem aktivētos fluorīdu un oksifluorīdu materiālos” (LU CFI)
2. Dzintars Bērziņš “Luminiscences mehānismu pētījumi ar magnētisko rezonanšu metodēm optisko ierīču materiālos” (daļēji). (LU CFI)
3. Guntis Mārciņš “IV grupas elementu 2D un 1D nanokompozītu struktūras un elektroniskās īpašības” (LU CFI)
4. Aivars Vembris „Fotojutīgu piraniliden fragmentu saturošu organisko molekulu optiskās un elektro-optiskās īpašības” (LU CFI)
5. Elmārs Zariņs „Organisko gaismas izstarojoši diožu (OLED) fotoaktīvajam slānim izmantojamo luminoforo un citu fotorefraktīvo savienojumu sintēze un īpašības” (RTU)
6. Kaspars Traskovskis „Fotonikas un optoelektronikas ierīču materiāliem perspektīvu amorfo organisko savienojumu sintēze un īpašības” (RTU)
7. Irēna Mihailova „Foto un termostimulētie procesi heterostruktūrās pusvadītājs-metāls” (DU).
8. G.Kirilovs „Fotoinducētie procesi organiskos un neorganiskos materiālos” (DU).
9. Elīna Laizāne, Optiski ierosinātie procesi organisko molekulu plāno kārtiņu strukturēšanai, (LU CFI)
10. Jānis Latvels, Jaunu organisko materiālu saules elementu fotoelektriskās īpašības, (LU CFI)
11. Jurģis Sīpols, Indāndiona krāsvielu solāro šūnu tehnoloģijas un fotofizikālie procesi, (LU CFI)
12. A. Bērziņš: Magnetooptiskie efekti sārmu metālu tvaikos un to pielietojumi magnētiskā lauka mērījumos (LU)
13. A. Mozers: Rb un Cs atomu mijiedarbības ar lāzera starojumu ārējā magnētiskā un elektriskā lauka klātbūtnē eksperimentāli pētījumi (LU)
14. I. Feščenko: Koherentu procesu pētījumi atomu un molekulu stāvokļos ar lielu leņķisko momentu (LU)
Programmas ietvaros sagatavoto un izdoto monogrāfiju skaits
E. Heifets, E.A. Kotomin, Yu.A.Mastrikov, S.Piskunov, J.Maier, Thermodynamics of ABO3-type perovskite surfaces. – Nodaļa grāmatā: Thermodynamics - Interaction studies - Solids, liquids and gases (InTech Open Access Publishers), 2011, p. 491-518.
Tehnoloģijas un pilotiekārtas
Tehnoloģija stikla šķiedras audumu virsmas apstrādei un modificēšanai.
Stikla šķiedras audumu virsmas apstrāde un modificēšana tiek veikta pilot iekārta virsmas apstrādei un modificēšanai argona plazmā. Stikla šķiedras audumu izmēri līdz 10x10 cm2. Tehnoloģija stikla šķiedras audumu virsmas apstrādei un modificēšanai paredzēta izmantot pētījumiem jaunu funkcionālu materiālu izstrādei uz stikla audumu bāzes.
Pilotiekārta virsmas apstrādei un modificēšanai argona plazmā
Vakuumiekārta UVN-2 ar iebūvētu argona jonu lielgabalu, kas dot iespēju veikt materiālu (metālu, pusvadītāju, stiklu, dabīgo un sintētisko šķiedru audumu) virsmas apstrādi. Argona plazmā notiek virsmas attīrīšana , kodināšana un modificēšana. Pilot iekārta paredzēta izmantot pētījumiem jaunu funkcionālu materiālu izstrādei.
Pilotiekārta stikla šķiedras diegu termomehānisko īpašību raksturošanai.
Iekārta izveidota uz Mecmasin “Multi test-i” bāzes, kas mēra diegu stiepes stiprību, papildinot to ar sildiekārtu un precīzu temperatūras kontroli. Iekārta dot iespēju programēt termomehāniskās stiprības testus pie slodzēm līdz 250 N un teperatūrās līdz 1000 0C.
Programmas ietvaros izstrādāto tehnoloģiju, metožu, pilotiekārtu vai pakalpojumu skaits, kas aprobētas uzņēmumos
1. Dalība apakšaktivitātes „Jaunu produktu un tehnoloģiju izstrāde” ietvaros SIA Hologramma” un SIA PKT iesniegtā projekta L-JPI-09-0016 “Nanopulver suspensijas optiskam ierakstam” izstrādē.