Latvijas Universitātes Cietvielu fizikas institūta, Doktorantūras skolas „Funkcionālie materiāli un nanotehnoloģijas”, Maģistra programmas B kursa „Aktuālas materiālu un cietvielu fizikas problēmas” zinātniskais seminārs 23. novembrī plkst. 13:00, LU CFI, Ķengaraga ielā 8, 2.stāva zālē Steve Hant (ThermoFisher Scientific) stāstīs par tēmu “Better and easier answers through Helios DualBeam™ (FIB-SEM) automation for (S)TEM sample preparation and 3D reconstruction”.

This workshop will focus on the latest development in ThermoFisher Scientific’s DualBeam family of products with a focus on how these developments are both expanding and simplifying the possibilities with respect to some of the most important DualBeam applications. In particular, advances in stability and reliability have expanded the DualBeam capabilities to allow much more automation of the most common applications like making cross sections, extracting sample biopsies for (S)TEM or APT analysis and for serial slicing for 3D models. In terms of sample preparation, the advancements in micro manipulator design and low kV FIB polishing stability now allow for the automation of the sample lift-out process, enabling even novice users to quickly and almost effortlessly prepare high-quality (S)TEM specimens. Another common application of DualBeam’s is 3D serial slicing and this has also been extended to allow enhanced multi detector functionality. This gives much more flexibility and makes it possible for the operator to collect considerably more information from their samples with a single SEM scan.
