Latvijas Universitātes Cietvielu fizikas institūta, Doktorantūras skolas „Funkcionālie materiāli un nanotehnoloģijas” zinātniskais seminārs trešdien 23. maijā plkst. 13:00, LU CFI, Ķengaraga ielā 8, 2.stāva zālē Walter Margulis (Department of Fiber Optics, RISE Acreo AB, & Department of Applied Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology) stāstīs par tēmu “Electrooptical control and other specialty fiber applications”.

Optical fibers are successful in telecommunications for being passive low loss waveguides that are weakly affected by environmental influence. Fibers can also be exploited as active elements for light control and sensing. In this talk we will describe some examples of fiber designs and applications developed at Swedish Research Institute RISE Acreo, at an interface between industry and academy. We will illustrate practical examples of research projects developed, where we attempt to use academic results in practical measurements for the industry. For example, we briefly illustrate the use of fibers in distributed vibration sensing for machine inspection and sound listening, in a flow-cytometer for diagnostics, in high temperature measurements in hostile environments and in gas sensing using hollow-core fibers. In a more detailed part of the talk, we will describe how to transform a fiber into an element responsive to electric fields (by poling) and some practical examples of applications of this technique, such as for single-pulse selection, electric field sensing, and frequency doubling in fibers. Informācija par lektoru: Walter Margulis is a senior scientist at RISE Acreo and guest professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, having worked for 30 years in photonics and specialtyoptical fibers. Some of the research lines developed are nonlinear optics, distributed sensing and optofluidics in fibers. Additional information can be found:
