Trešdien, 11.aprīlī plkst. 14.30, Zeļļu ielā 8, 233. auditorijā Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Fitting "Principles of High Resolution Electron Microscopy"

1933 the first electron microscope, built by Ernst Ruska at the Technical University Berlin did already exceed the resolution power of best conventional light microscopes. By further improvement of electron beam sources, electron lenses, and electron energy filters the microscopic resolution has achieved the Ångstroem and sub-Ångstroem region, i.e. atomic resolution, the visibility of atoms and their displacements. The lecture will show the basics of electron microscopy, the technical improvements, and finally, applications to nanotechnology. The guest lecture is offered in the conext of seminar series of the docotral schools „Research, modelling and mathematical methodology improvement for atomic and continuous media physical processesand „Functional materials and nanotechnologies”
