Trešdien, 5. novembrī plkst. 13:00, Ķengaraga ielā 8, 2. stāva zālē Pavel N. D’yachkov (Quantum Chemistry Laboratory Kurnakov Institute for General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) stāstīs par tēmu "Electronic structure and applications of carbon nanotubes"

1. What is a Carbon Nanotube? Nanotubes = Giant molecules made of sheets of atoms, coaxially arranged in a cylindrical shape. Geometry of nanotube can be determined by its diameter and chirality vector. 2. Tight Binding p Electron Theory for the Nanotubes. Analysis of nanotube chiralities shows the (n, m) nanotube will be metallic, if n-m=3k (where n and m are chirality indices while k is integer). Otherwise, they are semiconducting. 3. Experimental Data on the Nanotube Properties. Carbon nanotube can be metallic, semiconductor, quantum conductor and superconductor. The great electron orbital magnetic moment and spin-orbit coupling are detected in nanotubes. 4. Nanotube based Devices. A number of examples: nanotransistor, nanodiode, chemical sensors, logic gates, emission devices, nanoradio, nanotube computer, nanoradio. 5. Development of Linear Augmented Cylindrical Wave Method for Nanotubes at IGIC Cylindrical muffin-tin (MT) potential. Theoretical background. Electronic structure of armchair- and zigzag-type single-wall nanotubes, double-wall nanotubes, chiral nanotubes, and nanotubes with substitutional impurities. Relativistic version of LACW method. 6. Conclusions
