22. aprīlī, plkst. 13.00, LU CFI, Ķengaraga ielā 8, 2. stāva zālē prof. Sergejs Sokovņins (Krievija) uzstāsies ar referātu "Nanosecond electron accelerators".

Lecture parts:
  • Creation nanosecond electron accelerators and radiotechnology on its basis;
  • Creation installations for producing oxides nanopowders and other compounds on basis evaporation of a target by a pulsed electron beam.
In the first part of the lecture is described the developing several repetitive nanosecond electron accelerators with a semiconductor opening switch and a thyratron magnetic energy compression circuit. Carrying out work aimed at applying a repetitive nanosecond electron beam to conduct chemical reactions, perform sterilization, and clean water. Developing method and setups for radiochemical sterilization of hermetically packed medical instruments and liquid, powdered or granulated materials in food industry. In the second part of the lecture is considered method for production of nanopowders, including evaporation of a target by a pulsed electron beam, condensation of the vapour of the material in a low-pressure gas, and deposition of nanopowders on a large cold square crystallizer. By this method, it is possible to produce oxide nanopowders with the characteristic size of 3-5 nm and nanopowder agglomerates with the characteristic size of 20-200 nm having the specific surface of up to 338m2/g at the production rate of up to 10 g/h and the specific energy consumption of less than 120 W.h/g.
