Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas sēde trešdien 20.janvārī plkst. 15.00 LZA Portretu zālē (Rīgā, Akadēmijas laukumā 1, 3.stāvā) LZA ārzemju locekļa profesora Antonio Bianconi (Rome International Center for Materials Science Superstripes, Roma, Itālija) referāts "From quantum complex matter to quantum biology: The emergence of a new physics in the XXI century"

Advances in this XXI century in the science of complex quantum matter, are leading to a shift of paradigm in our understanding of the world of living matter. In lecture will be given a perspective of experimental evidence for the emergence of phenomena of quantum coherence near room temperature [1,2] and in our macroscopic world, while some years ago the quantum world was supposed to be confined at very low temperatures and only in the atomic and subatomic scale. New experiments in material science together with advances in quantum phenomena in biology [3] and in the science of complexity [4] are leading to a shift of paradigm in the physical sciences. Quantum complex materials such as high temperature superconductors and living matter are both non-equilibrium and fine tuned systems. A new physics of active matter and adaptive matter is emerging looking for the general laws for jiggling atoms at the basis of the living state of matter 1. Campi, G. et al. Inhomogeneity of charge-density-wave order and quenched disorder in a high-Tc superconductor. Nature 525, 359-362 (2015). URL 1509.05002. 2. Bianconi, A. & Jarlborg, T. Superconductivity above the lowest earth temperature in pressurized sulfur hydride. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 112, 37001+ (2015). URL 3. Poccia N., Ansuini A. and Bianconi A Far from Equilibrium Percolation, Stochastic and Shape Resonances in the Physics of Life Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2011, 12, 6810-6833; doi:10.3390/ijms12106810 4. Poccia, N. et al. Changes of statistical structural fluctuations unveils an early compacted degraded stage of PNS myelin. Scientific Reports 4, 5430+ (2014). URL
