Seminārs notiks 19.maijā (piektdienā) 10:00-11:30. Tajā Donnie Lygonis, KTH Technology Transfer Manager padalīsies savā pieredzē par to kā tas notiek KTH

KTH ir izveidota īpaša struktūra KTH Innovation:, Since the beginning in 2007, KTH Innovation has played a central part at KTH when it comes to commercialising new ideas. Through the years we have helped over 1900 new ideas from 1080 students and 850 researchers, including 275 professors. KTH Innovation specialises in the commercialisation of new technology at the earliest stages of development and offers free, objectie and confidential support in all areas relevant to taking an idea from research result to innovation. We are a team of 15 employees offering researchers and students at KTH support in business development, patents and law, funding and project management. We also run the KTH Innovation pre-incubator and niche projects to draw attention to and aid innovation development and internationalisation at the university. Seminārs būs par to, kāpēc inovācijas ir svarīgas? Kā tās attīsta KTH. Kā to darīt mums – CFI? 
