13. maijā plkst. 13:00, Ķengaraga ielā 8, 2. stāva zālē PhD Jernej Zupanc stāstīs par tēmu "HOW TO PREPARE EFFECTIVE GRAPHICS/FIGURES

When reading grant proposals or research papers, people look at graphics first. If created properly, graphics are the most effcient way to explain ideas in the shortest amount of time. They also attract readers and can raise credibility. In this lecture, we will discuss the principles and best practices used in visual communication. The content is distilled from the following topics: visual perception, photography, graphic design, web design and search engine optimization. COURSE OBJECTIVES:
  • •understand how people behave online and how scientists conduct surveys of the literature,
  • identify the best practices and principles gathered from topics in visual communication in order to present research findings through clear and well designed graphics,
  • learn about simple and free online tools that will help design figures,
  • motivate researchers to apply the content learned in this course to their publications and grant proposals.
