5. aprīlī LU CFI 2.stāva zālē no 11:00 līdz 16:00 norisināsies informatīvs un motivējošs seminārs par zinātnisko pētījumu komercializāciju. Uztāsies Teresita Qvarnström and Torbjörn Jonsson, RISE Acreo.

Why to work closer to industry and society? As a research organization? As researcher? As entrepreneur? An inspirational and informative afternoon about the role of researchers and technology developers for a more extended use of high technological solutions. We will discuss the interest and the means to become a natural partner to industry, increase the integration of new technologies in products, and eventually contribute to the start of new enterprises.   

Who shall attend?

Recommended to all ISSP staff.   

Program draft

11:00 – 11:30

Introduction. Why Innovation?
Discussion about the innovation process. Examples of the Swedish cases

11:30 – 12:00

Group discussions about Latvian cases

12:00 – 12:15

Possibilities in the frame of CAMART2.
A national and regional effort to promote innovation

12:15 – 13:00


General concepts (TRL, …

How to take dialog with industrial partners

Collaboration. National, regional, international.

Collaboration with National innovation actors, industrial clusters, etc.

13:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:00

The innovation system. Discussion on our flow-chart prior to defining commercialization strategy: organizational needs, competences. Market analysis.

15:00 – 16:00

Start-ups. Integration in existing companies (SMEs; LE)
