Category: Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer; Model: Carbolite Gero; HTRH/HTRV
Short description: Tube furnace can heat the sample up to 1800oC. Heating can be done in multiple inert and reactive amospheres: air; N2; Ar, 95%/5% N2/H2; 98%/2% Ar/H2; CO2; He; vacuum.
Category: Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer; Model: Nabertherm; Various
Short description: Multiple high temperature furnaces are available with volume up to 60L and maximum temperature of 1800°C. Highest temperature can be achieved in 60 minutes.
Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: BioLogic; VMP3
Short description: The VMP3 is a research-grade, multi-channel potentiostat/galvanostat installed with two impedance measurement modules and 15 independent channels, one of which is specifically designed for low current measurements. This equipment is especially useful in battery testing.
Category: Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer; Model: M. Braun Inertgas-Systeme GmbH; EASYlab workstation
Short description: Glovebox is made for work in an inert atmosphere (Ar) while keeping humidy and oxygen to minimum (<1 ppm). Additionaly glovebox is equipped with solvent vapor removal systam and dust filters.
Category: Chemical laboratories and their equipment; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: Mbraun; Unilab Pro Eco 3 gloves
Short description: Glovebox is made for work in an inert atmosphere (Ar) while keeping humidy and oxygen to minimum (<1 ppm).
Category: Materials characterization; Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer; Model: Anton Paar; Litesizer 500
Short description: The LitesizerTM 500 can determine particle size, zeta potential and molecular mass by measuring dynamic (DLS), electrophoretic (ELS) and static light scattering (SLS), respectively. It can also measure the sample’s transmittance as well as refractive index.
Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: SETARAM; LABSYS Evo
Short description: With LABSYS evo STA 1600 it is possible to analyse samples at temperatures as high as 1600°C. It is used to understand the thermal behaviour of materials that are exposed to extreme temperatures during their production, service, or recycling.
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment
Manufacturer; Model: Diamond WireTec; DWS 100
Short description: The diamond wire saw type DWS100 from Diamond WireTec is suited for the cutting of very small workpieces with cutting surfaces of up to 90 x 90 mm, e.g. for chips, LEDs, EPROMs, etc. Suitable for ceramic, plastic samples, not suitable for metals.
Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Gam Laser, Inc.; EX10A
Short description:
Category: Microscopy; Materials characterization; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: Tescan; Lyra
Short description:
Category: Microscopy
Manufacturer; Model: Phenom-World; Phenom Pro
Short description: The Phenom Pro Desktop SEM is used to relieve the burden of routine analysis for common samples for floor-model SEM instruments. Instrument configuration and the sample loading mechanism ensure quick imaging with minimal time spent tuning between experiments.
Category: Microscopy; Materials characterization; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: Fei;Tecnai GF20
Short description: TEM Fei Tecnai G2 F20 is an electron microscope with the highest resolution in Latvia. Measurements with TEM provides high resolution information about the composition, structure and morphology of the sample.

Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: Bruker; Elexsys-II E500
Short description:
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: Raith; eLINE Plus
Short description: Ultra high resolution electron beam lithography system for nanofabrication on substrates up to 100 mm. Laser interferometer stage with resolution 1 nm. Secondary electron detectors for high resolution imaging. System equipped with load lock and Traxx and Periodixx features.
Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers; Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: Edinburgh Instruments; FLS1000-DD-stm
Short description: Spectrometer is intended for photoluminescence characterization. Emission spectra and excitation measurements can be conducted as well as quantum yield, absorbance and reflectance can be determined.
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Bruker; Equinox 55
Short description: Infrared Fourier Vacuum Spectrometer Bruker Equinox 55 offers FTIR analysis of the organic and inorganic materials, crystals, semiconductors, chemistry, biology, etc.
Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers; Materials characterization; Microscopy
Manufacturer; Model: Bruker; Vertex 80v
Short description: Infrared Fourier Vacuum Spectrometer Bruker VERTEX 80v offers FTIR analysis of the organic and inorganic materials, crystals, semiconductors, chemistry, biology, etc. Tool is equiped with Hyperion 2000 Infrared Microscope.
Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: Hy-Energy; LLC PCTPro-2000, Mass Spectrometer RGAPro-100
Short description: Gas absorption measurements of various materials using Sievert type volume change method. New material, surface/volume adsorption studies and applications for energy. Nanomaterial and porous surface investigations.
Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: Ecopia; HMS-5000
Short description: Tool offers characterization of various materials including all semiconductors including Si, SiGe, SiC, GaAs, InGaAs, InP, GaN (N Type & P Type can be measured), metal layers, oxides, etc. and all measurements can be taken at varied temperature.
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Heidelberg Instruments; µPG 101
Short description: Laser writer Heidelberg µPG is a direct write mask-less lithography system that utilises UV laser beam to selectively expose samples in regions of interest. The write head also defines the feature size, which is defined as sub-1µm in the current set up.
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Suss Microtec; MA/BA6 Gen4
Short description: Mask aligner is designed to accurately align masks with substrates enabling photlitography.
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer; Model: Milestone Srl; SynthWAVE T660
Short description:
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: Sidrabe; SAF25/50
Short description: The SAF25/50 multifunctional R&D cluster tool is intended for research and development works as well as for feasibility studies and more general academic work in the field of thin film technologies.
Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: Agilent; G200
Short description: Tool provides micromechanical characterization of thin films and coatings, nanomaterials and surface layers of bulk materials.
Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Ekspla; Various
Short description:
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Oxford Instruments; SM4000-8
Short description: Main application is investigations of luminescence mechanisms and nature of optical absorption bands via optically induced electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR).
Category: Microscopy; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: Nikon; Various
Short description:
Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: Amatec; Dycor LC-D
Short description: Main applications are control and diagnostics of technological processes or applications making use of vacuum or controlled gas atmosphere vacuum leak detection.
Category: Materials characterization; Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer; Model: Metrohm; 914 pH Meter/Conductometer
Short description:
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer; Model: Fritsch; Pulverisette 5
Short description: Planetary mill is widely applicable in materials synthesis and treatment.
Category: Materials characterization; Materials synthesis and treatment
Manufacturer; Model: Metrohm Autolab; PGSTAT302N
Short description: Tool is purposed for galvanostatic and potentiostatic measurements for electrochemical systems such as electrochemical cells, batteries, or fuel cells.
Category: Materials characterization; Cleanrooms; Microscopy
Manufacturer; Model: Various
Short description: Profiler is applicable to determination of transparent films/photoresist and other films thickness, thin- and thick-film measurements, toughness studies, surface quality and defect review.
Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers; Microscopy; Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: Spectroscopy & imaging GmbH; TriVista CRS Confocal Raman Microscope (TR777)
Short description: Measurements from Raman spectrometer offer identification and qualitative analysis of chemical structure of organic and inorganic materials.

Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: Rigaku; MiniFlex 600
Short description: MiniFlex benchtop X-ray diffractometer is a multipurpose powder diffraction instrument. Offers information about the atomic structure and crystallinity of sample, phase identification, phase quantification, preferred orientation of phase in a film, etc. Tool is suitable for powders or samples with a flat plane.
Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: PANalytical; X'Pert Pro Powder
Short description: High resolution powder diffraction, phase identification and quantitative phase analysis, analysis of thin films and coatings, crystallite size and strain determination, kinetic and non-ambient experiments.
Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: EDAX; Eagle III XPL
Short description: General application for express-analysis of elemental composition of different materials and devices. Compared to electron microscope-based XRF microanalyzers, no special sample preparation is required.
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: ThermoFisher; ESCALAB Xi
Short description: XPS is a powerfull technique for characterization of chemical composition and chemical state of each element. Equipment offers not only XPS spectra acquisition but also surface and volume distribution analysis as well as more advanced techniques (UPS, EELS, etc.).
XPS ir spēcīgs instruments parauga ķīmiskā sastāva un ķīmiskā stāvokļa raksturošanai. Instruments dod iespēju ne tikai uzņemt XPS spektru, bet arī veikt virsmas un tilpuma sadalījuma analīzi kā arī advancētas metodes (UPS, EELS, u.c.).
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: Ražotājs; modelis
Short description: Spin coater is tool for application of a thin film (a few nm to a few um) evenly across the surface of a substrate by coating (casting) a solution of the desired material in a solvent (an "ink") while it is rotating.
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: Laurell; WS-650Mz-23NPPB/UD3
Short description: Spin coater is tool for application of a thin film (a few nm to a few um) evenly across the surface of a substrate by coating (casting) a solution of the desired material in a solvent (an "ink") while it is rotating.
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Sciencetech Inc.; SS150W
Short description: Solar simulator is a standard for solar panel illumination. It is equipped with a light source that has a spectrum similliar to the Sun spectrum. Test samples must comply the basic principles of construction of a solar cell with a size of 10x10 cm2. Tool is used in combination with a voltage source and electrometer.
Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: KP Technology SKP5050
Short description: Main applications are measurement of surface potential of organic compounds, determination of work function of metals and Fermi level of inorganic semiconductors
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: J. A. Woollam Co., Inc.; RC2 - XI
Short description: An ellipsometer measures a change in polarization as light reflects or transmits from a material structure. Ellipsometry is primarily used to determine film thickness and optical constants, but it is also applied to characterise composition, crystallinity, roughness, doping concentration, and other material properties associated with a change in optical response. An ellipsometer can measure most material types: dielectrics, semiconductors, metals, superconductors, organics, biological coatings, and composites.
Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Agilent; Cary 7000
Short description:
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: Edwards; Auto 306
Short description: The AUTO 306 is a compact, versatile vacuum coater. Tool is designed for physical vapour deposition processes under high vacuum. It is not suitable for use on processes which use chemical vapour deposition.
Category: Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: Shimadzu Corp. - DTG-60
Short description: Main applications are determination of evaporation and condensation processes of substances, crystal existence, and the melting and crystallization temperature of crystal structures, softening temperature of amorphous substances.
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Freiberg instruments - Lexsygresearch LMS
Short description: The main function of this tool is defect analysis from multiple physical phenomena: Thermostimulated luminescence (TSL); Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL); Cathodluminescence (CL); X-ray luminescence (XRL). In the tool sampels can be irradiated with x-rays, beta radiation and a UV laser.
Category: Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer; Model: MEMMERT - WNB 10
Short description: MEMMERT-waterbaths are electrically heated and electronically controlled. The temperature of the thermostating liquid is continuously controlled by a microprocessor-controller with pulse package control.
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer; Model: Elma - Elmasonic S 120 (H)
Short description: Ultrasound frequency 37 kHz, volume 12.75 L, ceramic heater, electronic time and temperature control.
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: F&S Bondtec; 53xx BDA
Short description:
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: Novascan Technologies - PSDP-UV8T
Short description: UV Ozone Cleaner is capable of removing contamination on the surface of samples. By using a high-power UV light source, ozone is generated - which then breaks down surface contaminants into volatile compounds.
Category: Chemical laboratories and their equipment; Materials synthesis and treatment
Short description: Temperature range 50~180°C, vacuum degree <133Pa, working size (mm): 300x300x275.
Category: Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer; Model: Lauda - ECO E 10 S
Short description: Designed for heating or cooling of liquids and are used in such applications like precise temperature regulation in quality assurance and analytics, sample preparation in chemistry and pharmacy, temperature control in electronics and life sciences, cooling in material tests.
Category: Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer; Model: UAB "LABOCHEMA LT" - Various
Short description: Fume hood is exploited to prevent gases, fumes or suspended and dangerous matter from escaping into the laboratory using ventilation system with adjustable suction power. The fume hood features melamine interior lining, ceramic worktop, stand mounts and lighting, electric sockets and cold water faucets and sinks.
Category: Chemical laboratories and their equipment; Cleanrooms
Manufacturer; Model: Terra Universal; Ductless Exhaust Purification Hood
Short description: Chemical Fume hood for Solvent exhaust. Containing vapors, dusts, gases, and fumes generated within the hood, and removing them as air flows into the hood and then out via the exhaust system.
Category: Materials characterization; Materials synthesis and treatment; Microscopy
Manufacturer; Model: Form Factor - MPS 1500
Short description: