Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Gam Laser, Inc.; EX10A
Short description:
Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers; Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: Edinburgh Instruments; FLS1000-DD-stm
Short description: Spectrometer is intended for photoluminescence characterization. Emission spectra and excitation measurements can be conducted as well as quantum yield, absorbance and reflectance can be determined.
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Bruker; Equinox 55
Short description: Infrared Fourier Vacuum Spectrometer Bruker Equinox 55 offers FTIR analysis of the organic and inorganic materials, crystals, semiconductors, chemistry, biology, etc.
Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers; Materials characterization; Microscopy
Manufacturer; Model: Bruker; Vertex 80v
Short description: Infrared Fourier Vacuum Spectrometer Bruker VERTEX 80v offers FTIR analysis of the organic and inorganic materials, crystals, semiconductors, chemistry, biology, etc. Tool is equiped with Hyperion 2000 Infrared Microscope.
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Heidelberg Instruments; µPG 101
Short description: Laser writer Heidelberg µPG is a direct write mask-less lithography system that utilises UV laser beam to selectively expose samples in regions of interest. The write head also defines the feature size, which is defined as sub-1µm in the current set up.
Category: Materials synthesis and treatment; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Suss Microtec; MA/BA6 Gen4
Short description: Mask aligner is designed to accurately align masks with substrates enabling photlitography.
Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Ekspla; Various
Short description:
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Oxford Instruments; SM4000-8
Short description: Main application is investigations of luminescence mechanisms and nature of optical absorption bands via optically induced electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR).
Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers; Microscopy; Materials characterization
Manufacturer; Model: Spectroscopy & imaging GmbH; TriVista CRS Confocal Raman Microscope (TR777)
Short description: Measurements from Raman spectrometer offer identification and qualitative analysis of chemical structure of organic and inorganic materials.
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: ThermoFisher; ESCALAB Xi
Short description: XPS is a powerfull technique for characterization of chemical composition and chemical state of each element. Equipment offers not only XPS spectra acquisition but also surface and volume distribution analysis as well as more advanced techniques (UPS, EELS, etc.).
XPS ir spēcīgs instruments parauga ķīmiskā sastāva un ķīmiskā stāvokļa raksturošanai. Instruments dod iespēju ne tikai uzņemt XPS spektru, bet arī veikt virsmas un tilpuma sadalījuma analīzi kā arī advancētas metodes (UPS, EELS, u.c.).
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Sciencetech Inc.; SS150W
Short description: Solar simulator is a standard for solar panel illumination. It is equipped with a light source that has a spectrum similliar to the Sun spectrum. Test samples must comply the basic principles of construction of a solar cell with a size of 10x10 cm2. Tool is used in combination with a voltage source and electrometer.
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: J. A. Woollam Co., Inc.; RC2 - XI
Short description: An ellipsometer measures a change in polarization as light reflects or transmits from a material structure. Ellipsometry is primarily used to determine film thickness and optical constants, but it is also applied to characterise composition, crystallinity, roughness, doping concentration, and other material properties associated with a change in optical response. An ellipsometer can measure most material types: dielectrics, semiconductors, metals, superconductors, organics, biological coatings, and composites.
Category: Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Agilent; Cary 7000
Short description:
Category: Materials characterization; Spectroscopy methods and lasers
Manufacturer; Model: Freiberg instruments - Lexsygresearch LMS
Short description: The main function of this tool is defect analysis from multiple physical phenomena: Thermostimulated luminescence (TSL); Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL); Cathodluminescence (CL); X-ray luminescence (XRL). In the tool sampels can be irradiated with x-rays, beta radiation and a UV laser.