Materials characterization; Chemical laboratories and their equipment
Manufacturer and Model
Anton Paar - Litesizer 500
General specifications:
- Temperature control range: 0°C to 90°C
- Light source: Laser, 40 mW, 658 nm
Particle size specifications:
- Measuring range: 0.3 nm to 10 µm (particle diameter)
- Sensitivity:
- Min. conc. (protein): 0.1 mg/mL (lysozyme)
- Min. conc. (polymer): 1 µg/mL (polysterene latex)
- Accuracy: Better than ±2% on certified reference material
- Repeatability: Better than ±2% on certified reference material
- Minimum sample volume: 12 µL
- Measurement angles: 15°, 90°, 175°
Zeta potential specifications:
- Measuring range: -600 to +600 mV
- Mobility: 10-11 m2/V.s to 2·10-7 m2/V.s
- Size range: 3.8 nm to 100 µm
- Sensitivity: 1 mg/mL (lysozyme)
- Maximum sample concentration: 40% w/v
- Sample volume: 350 µL
- Maximum sample conductivity: 200 mS/cm
Molecular mass specifications:
- Measuring range (mass): 980 Da - 20 MDa
- Measuring range (particle size): up to 40 nm (diameter)
- Sensitivity: 0.1 mg/mL (lysozyme)
- Accuracy: ±10%
- Repeatability: ±5%
- Measurement angle: 90°
Transmittance specifications:
- Size range: no limit
- Measuring time: 10s
- Minimum sample volume: 15 µL
Refractive index specifications:
- Measuring range: 1.28 to 1.50
- Accuracy: ±0.5%
- Temperature range: 0°C to 90 °C
- Wavelength: 658 nm
- Minimum sample volume: 1 mL
- Wetted parts: Quartz, glass
Applications and capabilities
This instrument is designed for characterization of particles in liquid dispersions.
The LitesizerTM 500 can determine particle size, zeta potential and molecular mass by measuring dynamic (DLS), electrophoretic (ELS) and static light scattering (SLS), respectively. It can also measure the sample’s transmittance as well as refractive index.