Post-doctoral Research Aid Programme

The purpose of the Activity «Postdoctoral research» under the Specific Aid Objective 1.1.1 «Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies» of the European Union Cohesion Policy Programme for 2021–2027 is to develop the skills of new scientists and to increase the scientific capacity, ensuring the possibilities for new scientists to start a career in scientific institutions and with enterprises, as well as improvement of research competences, renewal of human resources and increase in the number of qualified specialists.
The Postdoctoral Research Support Programme is an important financial instrument of the European Regional Development Fund aimed at developing the research capacity and career of young scientists (postdoctoral researcher).
Post-doctoral research projects:
- Investigation of the Crystalline Emitting Layers Exhibiting Emission Facilitated by Triplet States for White Organic Light Emitting Diodes
- Development of New CALGO/CALYO Crystals Doped with Yb, Ho, and Other Lanthanoids for High-Power Femtosecond Lasers
- Development of Biocompatible Energy Harvesting Systems Based on Self-Assembled Peptides
- Combining Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials With X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Resolve the Structure–Property Relationship in Functional Oxides
- Development of tandem chalcogenide- organic solar cells
- Ultraviolet persistent luminescence in biocompatible phosphates: defect studies in novel materials
- Sustainable Thermoelectric Materials with Biopolymers and Earth-Abundant Inorganic Composites
- Seeing the motion: hexagonal boron nitride for nanomotion spectroscopy integrated with fluorescence imaging
- Smart Windows for Tomorrow: Nanoparticles Hybrid Coatings Merging Photochromic and Thermochromic Technologies
- Efficient luminescent materials for multifunctional NIR phosphor-converted LEDs
- First-Principles Modeling of Yttrium Oxide and Oxyhydride: Defects, Electronic Properties, and Applications in Smart Materials
Implemented postdoctoral research projects
- Blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters for high efficiency OLEDs
- Novel nanosized upconverting oxide materials for practical applications
- Reducing/cancelling the effects of vitreous floaters using a phase retrieval method based on coded diffraction patterns
- Quantum chemical and molecular dynamics study of advanced solids and nanomaterials: challenging road to reality
- Advanced Materials for Sodium Ion Batteries
- Influence of crystallite size and composition on the formation of polarons in nanocrystalline tungstates
- Role of manufacturing process on structure and properties of NBT-based solid solutions
- Research and improvement of the optical properties of persistent luminescent oxide ceramics
- Growth and characterization of Ga2O3 and ZnMgO thin films for solar-blind ultraviolet applications
- Novel glasses and glass ceramics with different combinations of garnets doped with rare earth and 3d metal ions for temperature-resistant phosphors in high-power white LEDs – NOGACE
- Portable diagnostic device based on a biosensor array of 2D material sensing elements
- Towards a Universal Lab-on-Chip Sensor from a Single Graphene Sheet: from Photodetection to Biosensing
- Microfluidic chip with multidetection module for evaluation of nPEF induced gene expression
- Organic light-emitting diodes based on heavy metal free emissive materials