Time of realization: 01.01.2020. – 31.12.2022.
Place of realization: Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP LU)
A team for realization of the Project. The researcher team consists of 10 members working in the Laboratory of Spectroscopy of ISSP LU including experienced researchers (3), young scientists with doctoral degree (3) or working on their doctoral thesis (2), together with students working on their B.Sc. or M.Sc. diploma work (2). The project leader - Dr. habil. phys. Baiba Berzina.
Scientific Excellence
The aim of the proposed project is elaboration of a novel and efficient material emitting red light persistent luminescence and production of a persistent luminescent composite on its basis.
For realization of the project the complex metal oxide ceramics such as MgSiO3 and others doped with red light emitting ions (Mn2+) together with several metal M ions (M=Al3+,Ga3+, In3+ ) as co-dopants, actual for persistent luminescence (PersL) formation have been chosen. The proposed activities have to be divided into two parts. The first of them contains: 1) material preparation, 2) characterization of material structure, and 3) detailed characterization of material spectral properties including EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) measurements. The second part includes activities, which can be related to application of the synthesized materials. It includes elaboration of new PersL composite materials basing on the synthesized materials, which are prospective for application of covering the metallic details shining in the dark. These investigations are stimulated by informal collaboration with representatives of a small enterprise SME “Lumininight” Latvia. These activities are the following: 4) Manufacturing of red emitting PersL composite (besides the red light another colours of visible light are also available), including a choice of appropriate matrix material, in which the polycrystalline particles of the PersL material must be incorporated homogeneously. 5) Detailed spectral characterization of the composite material. 6) Development of the prototype demonstrating possible application of the composite material for covering the metallic objects shining in the dark. 7) Patenting of red light emitting PersL composite (the Latvian patent).
Conditions for the successful realization of the Project. In the ISSP LU there is accessible all necessary equipment for realization of the project. The self-made set-ups together with modern commercial equipment are providing the successful fulfilment of the project. For realization of the project there are available renewed laboratory-rooms, which are fully ensuring the needs of providing experiments and processing of the results. These conditions are forming welcome and challenging working place for the students bound to the project, stimulating an evolution of their interests towards the science.
Current position. During an implementation of the project, a choice of prospective materials for realization of the project’s aim, was enlarged including: Mg2SiO4:Mn; Ca2SnO4:Al; Ca2SnO4:La providing for red and blue PersL and Mg2Si1-xGexO4 doped with Mn ions demonstrating properties of deep red emitting PersL material. Besides, it was found that also the un-doped and doped AlN ceramics are prospective PersL materials and it is included in the present research.
Presently we have obtained noteworthy information about spectral characteristics of synthesized materials, which can be related to the fundamental physics and are starting fulfilment of the second part of the project realization – elaboration of composite material prospective for covering of details shining in the dark. Investigation of material spectral properties is in progress.
Part of the results obtained are included in 2 scientific publications and expounded within 6 domestic and international scientific conferences.
Scientific publications
1.Berzina B., Trinkler L., Korsaks V., Ruska R. Nitrogen vacancy type defect luminescence of AlN nanopowder, Optical Materials 108 ( 2020) 110069; DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2020.110069.
Optical Mterials: Impact Factor – 3.080; Cite Score – 4.8
Journal homepage: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/optm
2.Krieke G., Antuzevics A., Berzina, B. Defect formation in photochromic Ca2SnO4: Al3+,
Materials Today Communications 28 (2021) 102592; DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2021.102592
Materials Today Communication: Impact Factor – 2.687; Cite Score – 2.8 Journal homepage: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/materials-today-communications