Identification number: lzp-2021/1-0118
Type: Fundamental and applied research project of the Latvian Council of Science
Project duration: 2022 - 2024
Project manager: Dr. phys. Andris Antuzevics, ISSP UL
Lead participant: PhD Guna Krieke, ISSP UL
Total funding: 300 000 EUR
Project summary:
Materials exhibiting persistent luminescence in shortwave ultraviolet (UV-C) range is an emerging field of research with prospective applications in sterilization and surveillance. The aim of the project is to elaborate a novel UV-C emitting persistent phosphor material based on stable and inexpensive silicate hosts (M2Al2SiO7 where M = Ca, Sr, Ba). The materials will be doped with different co-dopants to improve UV-C luminescence characteristics: wavelength, intensity and duration. Research activities will include sample synthesis, structure characterization and comprehensive luminescence and magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis. The scientific novelty of this project is to understand the origin of UV-C persistent luminescence, so that it can be enhanced via introduction of defects and employed for practical applications. The results, which will be published as at least 6 scientific articles, will provide guidelines for optimal chemical composition and synthesis conditions of an efficient UV-C phosphor material. Involvement of students who will elaborate their thesis during the project implementation is planned. Professional development of the team implementing the project will be provided, opening new opportunities in future project calls and increasing the competitiveness of Latvian scientists in the world.
Project progress
The UV persistent luminescence of Ce3+ doped Sr3MgSi2O8 material is reported for the first time. In-depth analysis of optical, thermal and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy experiments is used to reveal origin of the luminescence and nature of the traps.
Structural and optical properties of the Ca2Al2SiO7: Pr3+ UV-C persistent phosphor were investigated by X-ray diffraction, optical and magnetic resonance spectroscopy techniques.
A novel Sr2MgSi2O7 phosphor doped with Pr3+ ions exhibiting UV–C persistent luminescence and improved spectral position in comparison to Ca2Al2SiO7 (maximum of 243 nm) has been successfully developed.
A novel garnet Mg3Y2Ge3O12:Tb3+ with UV to green tuneable persistent luminescence has been successfully prepared.
A novel Mg3Lu2Ge3O12:Pr3+ phosphor with bright orange persistent luminescence, which could be detected for more than 16 h, was successfully prepared using high-temperature solid-state synthesis.
Scientific publications:
[1] Guna Doke, Guna Krieke, Pavels Rodionovs, Dace Nilova, Andris Antuzevics
Trap properties of novel UV-A persistent phosphor Sr3MgSi2O8: Ce3+
Subbmitted J. Rare Earths (2024) (IF = 4.632; SNIP = 1.05)
[2] Dace Nilova, Andris Antuzevics, Guna Krieke, Guna Doke, Inga Pudza, Alexei Kuzmin
Ultraviolet-C persistent luminescence and defect properties in Ca2Al2SiO7:Pr3+
Published J Lumin. (2023) (IF = 4.171; SNIP = 0.960)
[3] A. Antuzevics, G. Doke, G. Krieke, P. Rodionovs, D. Nilova, J. Cirulis, A. Fedotovs, U. Rogulis
Shortwave Ultraviolet Persistent Luminescence of Sr2MgSi2O7: Pr3+
Published Materials. 16 (2023) (IF = 3.748; SNIP = 1.067)
[4] G. Krieke, G. Doke, A. Antuzevics, I. Pudza, A. Kuzmin, E. Welter
Tuneable persistent luminescence of novel Mg3Y2Ge3O12 garnet
Published J Alloys Compd. 922 (2022) (IF = 6.371; SNIP = 1.342)
[5] G. Krieke, G. Doke, A. Antuzevics, R. Ignatans, I. Pudza, A. Kuzmin
Structure and persistent luminescence of novel Pr-doped Mg3Lu2Ge3O12 garnet
Published J Alloys Compd. 957 (2023) (IF = 6.371; SNIP = 1.342)
Scientific conferences:
The results of the project have been presented at nine scientific conferences in the form of
six poster presentations and three oral presentations.
Student theses:
Two theses have been defended by the participants of the project.
An open seminar at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia was organized on 07.06.2023.
Popular science information:
Multiple popular science entries for the general public in the Latvian National Encyclopedia covering interesting topics relevant to this project have been published. The team members of the project have organized or participated in several popular science events.