Development of Low-Temperature Ionic Liquid-Based Li-Ion Battery Cells

Identification number: LVR3_10

Type: European Space Agency Requesting Party Activity

Project duration: 01.10.2023. – 05.01.2025.

Project Leader: Dr. Gints Kucinskis, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia

Total funding: 95 569 EUR

Project aim: 

Develop safe and stable battery cell that can reliably be operated at low temperatures through optimization of anode architecture and composition and use of an ionic liquid-based electrolytes.


This project aims to develop a lithium-ion battery (LIB) cell optimized for reliable operation at low temperatures. By focusing on anode optimization and the use of ionic liquid-based electrolytes, the goal is to enable LIBs to function effectively even in cold climates, starting from +5°C and potentially reaching -20°C. Through the development of a small-scale LIB cell prototype, the project seeks to demonstrate improved performance and safety at low temperatures, with implications for space missions and terrestrial applications in cold environments.

Expected results: 

Anticipated outcomes include advancements in lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology for cold climates, achieved through optimized anode design and hybrid ionic liquid electrolytes. Expectations include improved battery performance at +5°C and below, demonstrated through enhanced capacity retention and cycle life in a small-scale LIB cell prototype. These findings hold promise for safer and more reliable energy storage solutions in space missions and cold terrestrial environments.