Identification number:
Type: ERDF
Project duration: 23 months, 2022 - 2024
Project manager: Dr.phys. Krisjanis Smits, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
- SIA GroGlass
Responsible person from ISSP UL:
- Dr.phys. Krisjanis Smits, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
Total funding:
Total budget: 539 863.59 EUR
ERDF contribution: 442 472.20
Project aim:
The main goal of the project is the development and demonstration of a large-scale highly transparent light-emitting (electroluminescent) glass panel.
Project summary:
Transparent electroluminescent panels have potential applications in illuminated displays, signs lighting solution and other applications.
The main goal of the project is the development and demonstration of a large-scale highly transparent light-emitting (electroluminescent) glass panel.
The proposed Industrial research project will be implemented by Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) and SIA GroGlass company.
This interdisciplinary project consists of the research activities in Physical (1.3) and Chemical (1.4) sciences, Materials science (2.5) and Nanotechnology (2.10), according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Frascati Manual.
Expected scientific results:
Number of scientific articles 3
A new product or new technology prototype 1
Technology rights – patents 1
Tasks at ISSP UL:
- Production of doped ZnS layers on various substrates to achieve optimal
- Develop an index-matching anti-reflective design for the structure
- Prototype device development using index-matched layers
- Additional material research and exploration of future possibilities
Project progress information
Period 01.10.2023. - 30.11.2023. | 30.11.2023.
The nearly two-year-long research project is coming to a close. During the project, new electroluminescent materials were studied, and layers were formed from these materials. Electroluminescent coatings were developed, incorporating calculations for doping layers and their inclusion in the coatings, as well as the manufacturing process.
Five scientific papers have been prepared, with two already published in journals, one accepted, and two submitted for review. A prototype has been created, and a patent has been prepared and submitted. It's also worth noting the significant contribution of the project in attracting and nurturing students and emerging scientists.
Let's see how the gained experience and knowledge will be utilized in the future.
Period 01.07.2023. - 30.09.2023. | 30.09.2023.
The project's activities are gradually getting closer to completion. We are finishing up the technology development work and inspecting the final coating. The dissemination of scientific findings is actively being pursued at the same time, both through scientific conferences and journal articles.
This quarter, Milena Dile and Katrina Laganovska gave presentations at the EMRS Fall Meeting 2023 in Warsaw on "The effect of surfactants and precursors on the structure and properties of ZnS:Cu nanocrystalline particles" and "Thermoluminescence analysis of oxygen vacancies in HfO2 nanoparticles".
Period 01.04.2023. - 30.06.2023. | 30.06.2023.
In our electroluminescence research, we are excited to utilize hafnia, a promising material that has already been established in CMOS technologies as a high-k metal gate material. Recently, it has also shown potential in ferroelectric applications. To enhance its performance, we have investigated intrinsic defects, such as oxygen vacancies, in both undoped and 5at%Eu-doped HfO2 nanoparticles. These nanoparticles were synthesized using various methods, including sol-gel, combustion, auto-ignition combustion, hydrothermal, and precipitation techniques.
Notably, the results demonstrated a shift to higher energy levels in the PL and TSL wavelength peak spectra as the temperature increased. This suggests potential applications of these defects in electroluminescent devices. We are pleased to announce the publication of our research paper, "Thermostimulated luminescence analysis of oxygen vacancies in HfO2 nanoparticles," in the journal Materials Research Bulletin. Through this work, we aim to enhance the performance of our electroluminescent devices by leveraging the unique properties of hafnia and its defects
Period 01.01.2023. - 31.03.2023. | 31.03.2023.
ISSP UL is conducting research on the exploration of oxide electroluminescent materials and the evaluation of their potential use through transparent electroluminescent panels.
In the fifth quarter, SIA "GroGlass" identified silicon nitride as a new potential dielectric layer and optimized its deposition parameters. Silicon nitride is a material with a medium refractive index and excellent diffusion barrier properties. The medium refractive index allows for better optimization of the non-reflective structure's optical properties, and the barrier layer effect can prove important for long-term stability assurance.
Period 01.10.2022. - 31.12.2022. | 31.12.2022.
ISSP UL has developed ongoing research on alternative electroluminescent materials based on ZnS. Layers of electroluminescent displays are created, tested, and characterized.
Only the compatibility of previously identified dielectric layer materials with the transparent electrode layer on the surface, which was obtained via atmospheric pressure chemical t deposition, was analyzed in the fourth quarter of SIA "GroGlass." There were created experimental panels that were subjected to the so-called "transport test." The examination revealed coating flaws that indicate the incompatibility of the chosen materials.
Period 01.07.2022. - 30.09.2022. | 30.09.2022.
ISSP UL developed electroluminescent elements from self-synthesized materials.
The researchers of SIA "GroGlass" have created optical function models for two potential active media materials - ZnS nanoparticle layers and Ga2O3:Eu thin films. The creation of an accurate model of optical functions is necessary for conducting correct studies with the help of computer modeling in order to find out the optimal structure of clarified layers for electroluminescent protective panels
Period 01.04.2022. - 30.06.2022. | 30.06.2022.
ISSP UL scientists developed the first materials and created a device for electroluminescence measurements. The researchers of SIA "GroGlass" have prepared and delivered to ISSP UL transparent conductive test samples for application and testing of electroluminescent materials. On June 7, the second meeting of SIA "Groglass" and ISSP UL scientists took place.
May 18, 2022
ISSP UL researchers are working on the synthesis and formation of electroluminescent layer materials. Researchers of SIA "GroGlass" have carried out literature research with the aim of finding out the optimal method of creating a conductive, transparent film that would be compatible with SIA "GroGlass" technology. This picture is from the first joint project meeting of ISSP UL and GroGlass, which took place on February 2 at SIA "GroGlass" premises.