Project title: Inert Coatings for Prevention of Ageing of NMC Cathode for Lithium-Ion Batteries (InCoatBat)

Project type: M-ERA.NET

Consortium: 4 partners (Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, National Taiwan University (Taiwan), Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden Württemberg (Germany), VARTA Microbattery GmbH (Germany))

Coordinator: Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia

Duration: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2026

Total budget: EUR 2 515 200 

The M-ERA.NET Call 2022 project InCoatBat aims to develop inert protective coatings for extending the service life of LiNi0.83MnxCo0.17-xO2 cathode for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). The project involves academia and industry partners from Latvia, Germany, and Taiwan. The project will focus on understanding degradation mechanisms, developing protective coatings, and improving the cycle life of LIBs. The innovative approach includes chemical coating and magnetron sputtering methods for coating NMC Ni83 cathodes. The project aims to increase the cycle life of NMC Ni83 electrodes by at least 30%. The outcomes are expected to lead to sustainable use of resources, increased energy efficiency, and advancements in battery technology.

The project will have scientific, economic, and environmental impacts, and can help enhance the competitiveness of the European battery industry, drive economic growth, and create new job opportunities. Additionally, the project aligns with European Green Deal priorities and sustainable development goals, aiming for cleaner energy solutions and responsible consumption. Exploitable results include expanded know-how on scalable coating methods, advanced impedance models, and insights into surface treatments on cathode materials. The project partners plan to disseminate the outcomes through publications, engagement with stakeholders, and integration of new knowledge into teaching and further research activities.