EEA and Norway GrantsAluminium recycling for hydrogen production - from waste through hydrogen energy to alumina - AliCE-WHy (Aluminium in a circular economy - from waste to hydrogen energy to alumina - AliCE-WHy)20212024
 Development of Semi‐Transparent Bifacial Thin Film Solar Cells for Innovative Applications20212023
EraNetEngineering of two-dimensional heterostructural photocatalysts for H2 generation (HetCat)20232026
 Inert Coatings for Prevention of Ageing of NMC Cathode for Lithium-Ion Batteries (InCoatBat)20232026
 Innovative catalyst and its regeneration for clean hydrogen  production via methane pyrolysis (INNOHYPPY)20232026
The Recovery and Resilience FundLatvian Quantum Technologies Initiative20232026
European Regional Development FundEnhancing transparency and efficiency of scalable thin film electroluminescent protective panels using anti-reflective layers and advanced materials20222024
 The development of a novel-designed optical fiber-based system for ultra-sensitive point-of-care viral protein detection by SERS20222024
 Development of mechanoluminescent thin films for real time stress detectors20212023
 Development of sustainable recycling technology of electronic scrap for precious and non-ferrous metals extraction (es-retech)20212023
 Large area deposition technologies of multifunctional antibacterial and antiviral nanocoatings20222023
 Functional ink-jet printing of wireless energy systems20212023
 Novel materials for development of all-optical temperature sensor (OPTSEN)20202023
 Functional ultrawide bandgap gallium oxide and zinc gallate thin films and novel deposition technologies20212023
European Regional Development Fund (LIAA administrated)Smart buoy for the monitoring of aquatic organisms and assessment of water quality (Spectromarine)20222023
European Social FundStrengthening the doctoral capacity of the University of Latvia within the framework of the new doctoral model20212023
ESA Requesting Party ActivityDevelopment of Low-Temperature Ionic Liquid-Based Li-Ion Battery Cells20232025
Horizon 2020The Centre of Advanced Material Research and Technology Transfer - CAMART²20172024
Horizon 2020 - EUROfusionFunctional materials (WPMAT-FM)20212025
 ODS steel development and fabrication using the STARS process20212025
 WP PWIE (Plasma-Wall Interaction and Exhaust) SP X2: Optimization of laser-based surface analysis diagnostics20212025
 Investigation of defects and disorder in nonirradiated and irradiated Doped Diamond and Related Materials for fusion diagnostic applications (DDRM) – Theoretical and Experimental analysis20212023
Horizon EuropeSafer and More Reliable WBG/UWBG-Based MVDC Power Converters (SAFEPOWER)20242028
 Towards an excellence centre on quantum photonics in Latvia (ToEQPL)20242027
 Atomic Layer-coated Graphene Electrode-based Micro-flexible and Structural Supercapacitors20232027
 Smart Windows for Zero Energy Buildings (SWEB)20232027
 Eliminating VOC from Battery manufacturing through dry or wet processing (NoVOC)20232027
 Physical Cognition for Intelligent Control and Safe Human-Robot Interaction (Sestosenso)20222025
Latvian Council of ScienceDynamic self-assembly of materials under harsh radiation conditions20252027
 Improvement of universal augmented reality head-mounted displays by responsiveness boost of Liquid Crystal device by 3-Dimensional electrode layout (LC3D)20252027
 Innovative Thin Films of Rare-Earth Metal Oxyhydrides: Unlocking New Applications20252027
 Light activated 4D printed materials for vascular tissue engineering20242026
 Prediction of long-term stability of functional materials under extreme radiation conditions20242026
 Development of new advanced phosphors for lighting and non-contact optical thermometry20242026
 Unlocking the secrets of multicomponent alloys and related compounds using X-Ray absorption spectroscopy and atomistic simulations20242026
 The entropy-driven approach to enhance the thermoelectric performance of chalcogenide-based compounds20242026
 Advancing Sustainable Thermoelectric Hybrid Systems Utilizing Glass-Forming Low Molecular Weight Compounds20242026
 Development of ternary organic solar cells by employing original indacene-tetraone based non-fullerene acceptors20232025
 Novel metal hydride-based thin films for electronic and energy technologies20232026
 Non-contact nanothermometry based on X-Ray absorbtion spectra20232026
 Non-destructive investigations of interfaces of multilayer organic materials for high-performance OLED development20232025
 Raising critical temperature in MgB2-based superconductive nanowire systems via internal strain engineering20232025
 Development of carbonic anhydrase IX test biosensor for cancer screening20232025
 Defect engineering of novel UV-C persistent phosphor materials20222024
 Advanced polymer – ionic liquid composites for sodium-ion polymer batteries20212023
 Core-shell nanowire heterostructures of Charge Density Wave materials for optoelectronic applications20212023
 Cycle life prediction of lithium-ion battery electrodes and cells, utilizing current-voltage response measurements20212023
 Epitaxial Ga2O3 thin films as ultrawide bandgap topological transparent electrodes for ultraviolet optoelectronics20212023
National Research ProgramSmart Materials, Photonics, Technologies and Engineering Ecosystem 20222024
PostdoctoralMicrofluidic chip with multidetection module for evaluation of nPEF induced gene expression20212023
 Organic light-emitting diodes based on heavy metal free emissive materials20212023
 Portable diagnostic device based on a biosensor array of 2D material sensing elements20212023
 Towards a Universal Lab-on-Chip Sensor from a Single Graphene Sheet: from Photodetection to Biosensing20212023
 Research and improvement of the optical properties of persistent luminescent oxide ceramics20202023
 Growth and characterization of Ga2O3 and ZnMgO thin films for solar-blind ultraviolet applications20202023
 Novel glasses and glass ceramics with different combinations of garnets doped with rare earth and 3d metal ions for temperature-resistant phosphors in high-power white LEDs – NOGACE20202023
Horizon 2020CO2-based Electrosynthesis of ethylene oXIDE – CO2EXIDE20182021
 The influence of the cell membrane asymmetry and curvature on the functioning of membrane proteins and the transport of therapeutic compounds20162019
Horizon 2020 - EUROfusion""ODS steel with high creep strength"", EUROfusion WPMAT - Advanced Steels Project (MAT-2.3.2-T005-D004)20142020
 Advanced experimental and theoretical analysis of defect evolution and structural disordering in optical and dielectric materials for fusion applications (AETA)20192020
 Multiscale modelling of radiation effects in MgAl2O4 spinel and general oxides20142020
 When and how ODS particles are formed? - X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and ab initio modelling of ODS steels20152017
Baltic-German University Liaison Office ProjectsLight activated 4D printed materials20192019
 Research of optical, electrical and gas sensing properties of nanocarbon based polymer nanomaterials to be applied for harvesting and storage of renewable energy20172017
 Cooperation for development of luminescent oxyfluoride glass ceramics for white LEDs20152015
COSTMechanochemistry for Sustainable Industry20192023
 Computational materials sciences for efficient water splitting with nanocrystals from abundant elements20192022
 Towards Understanding and Modeling Intense Electronic Excitation20182022
 Fast advanced Scintillator Timing (FAST)20142018
 Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions20122016
 Smart and green interfaces - from single bubbles and drops to industrial, environmental and biomedical applications (SGI)20122016
 Hybrid Energy Storage Devices and Systems for Mobile and Stationary Applications20112015
 Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage20112015
 Highly Ionised Pulse Plasma Processes20102013
EC Frameworks ProjectsEC 7. GREEN-CC20132017
 EC 7. IP H2ESOT20132015
 EC 7. IP Cacomel20102014
 EC 7. IP F-Bridge20082012
 EC 7. IP NASA-OTM20092012
 EC 7. IP Catherine20082010
 EC 6. IP ""X-TIP"" Project20042007
 EC 5. IP ""CAMART"" Project20012004
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)Development of technology for the drying of grains with active ventilation using ozone20182021
European Regional Development FundUniversity of Latvia and Institutes in the European Research Area - Excellence, Activity, Mobility, Capacity20182022
 Development of efficient clad-pumped fiber optical amplifiers for telecommunication systems (DOPAnT)20192022
 Next generation aggregation induced emission luminogens for artificial lighting sources20192022
 Smart Metal Oxide Nanocoatings and HIPIMS Technology20192022
 Development of Research Infrastructure of the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia20172021
 Design and Investigation of Light Emitting and Solution Processable Organic Molecular Glasses20172020
 Nanowire photodetectors20202020
 Application assessment of novel organic materials by prototyping of photonic devices20172020
 Phosphorescent coatings prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation20172019
 New luminescent materials for gas sensors and radiation convertors20142015
 Advancement of institutional capacity of the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (2014 - 2015)20142015
 Promotion of international cooperation at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia20142015
 Establishment of uniform national level Latvian academic network for scientific activities20102015
 Support for international collaboration projects in science and technologies at ISSP UL20102013
 Innovative glass coatings20102013
 New technology for biohydrogen production and separation in process od anaerobic fermentation20112013
 Development of new technology to obtain hydrogen and calcium carbonate in chemical reaction of biomass and alkali20112013
 New Luminescent Materials for Energy Saving Light Sources20102013
 Materials and structures for tandem solar cells20102013
 Research and development of materials and technologies for diffractive optical element fabrication20102013
 Development of polymer electro-optical modulator prototype20112013
 Development of innovation technology for producing of solar silicon using electron-beam technology20122013
 Technologies for digital multispectral control and quality improvement of materials20102013
 Autonomous Wind and Hydrogen Power Supply System20102013
European Regional Development Fund (LIAA administrated)Development of holographic recording materials based on azo-benzene and epoxy compounds20202022
 Mass-manufacturable gut on a chip device20202022
 Optical gas sensor20202022
 New generation wavefront sensors based on the method of coded diffraction patterns20182021
 Thermoelectric radiation sensor20182021
 Multilayer mirrored sapphire substrates for more efficient blue-white LEDs20202020
 Inrared visualizer20202020
 Real time integrated spectrometer system for optimizing the use of fertilizers and herbicides20202020
 Directly driven generator with electricity storage facility from water waves (DD-WWG)20202020
 Micromachined silicon substrates for the AFM, SEM and TEM nanomechanical tests20182018
 Mini spectrometer for food analysis20182018
EraNetEnabling a Commercially Viable Long Lifespan and High-Efficiency Omni-Friendly OLED Lighting Source with G2 and G3 Emitters20202023
 Engineering of perovskite photocatalysts for sunlight-driven hydrogen evolution from water splitting (SunToChem)20192022
 ZnMgO materials with tunable band gap for solar-blind UV sensors Implementation period20192022
 Development of ultrafast ceramic detectors of ultrafast ceramic detectors of ionizing radiation based in zine oxide nanocrystals (ZnONanoLum)20182021
 Innovative nano-materials and architectures for integrated piezoelectric energy harvesting applications (HarvEnPiez)20172019
 Metrology at the Nanoscale with Diamonds20152018
 ERANET RUS PLUS, NanoRadDos20162017
 Nano-structured, radiation sensitive materials for nuclear-medical and border protection applications20162017
European Social FundDesign and study of glass forming low molecular weight organic materials for photonics20132015
 Innovative materials for transparent electronics and photonics20132015
 Innovative materials for transparent electronics and photonics20132015
 Studies in vision overload physiology and development of vision stress diagnostic methodology20132015
 Experimental and theoretical investigation of technologically important materials20132015
 Nanomaterials for perspective energy efficient solutions20092012
Latvia - France Program “OSMOZE”Surface plasmon enhanced amplified spontaneous emission of organic materials20202021
 Phthalocyanine architectures for sensor application20122013
 Radiation induced processes in nitrides and other wide-gap materials20032005
Competence CentersHigh-resistivity resistive layer study20162018
 Investigation of the coating process parameters to provide high-quality lithium coatings and creation of lithium coating material prototype20182018
 Environmental, bioenergy and biotechnology competence center (VBBKC)19001900
Latvian-Belarusian cooperation programs in science and technologySynthesis of lanthanum indate alloyed with activators Pr3 +, Nd3 +, Sm3 +, Er3 +, Tm3 + and sensitizers Cr3 +, Mn3 +, Bi3 +, investigation of magnetic and photoluminescent properties for its use in photoelectronics19001900
Latvian-Ukrainian Bilateral Cooperation ProgramLow temperature characterization and ab initio calculations of anomalous behavior of structural, luminescent and conductivity properties of ABO3 perovskite surfaces20192020
Latvijas – Ukrainas divpusējās sadarbības programmas zinātnes un tehnoloģiju jomāFabrication, characterization and computer modelling of the nanostructured YAlO3:Mn ceramics for novel radiation dosimeters20162018
Rural support service projectsDevelopment of technologies for determination of carbon concentration in soil20202022
 Winter wheat monitoring using spectroscopic methods20202022
ISSP UL project competition for students and young scientistsObtaining and study of anodic TiO2 nanotubes doped with graphene quantum dots for photocatalytic reduction of CO220182019
 Dependence of the up-converted luminescence properties of individual nanoparticles on agglomeration and position20172018
 Research of electric properties of transition metal oxide nanoparticles and their application in ReRAM devices20172018
 Modeling of lanthanide ion luminescence spectra in oxide materials20162017
 Acquisition and research of PEO coatings for dosimetry applications20162017
 New materials for infrared light visualization20162016
Latvian Council of Science​​​​​​​Advanced atomistic studies on Ruddlesden-Popper phases for protonic ceramic electrolysis cells20222024
 Microfluidic field flow fractionation for high throughput extra-cellular vesicle separation20202022
 Up-conversion luminescence photolithography in organic compounds using nanoparticles/photoresist composition20202022
 Novel persistent luminescent material - red light emitter20202022
 Structural Modification of Carbene-Metal-Amide Complexes Towards Acquisition of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Blue Light OLED Emitters20202022
 Development of X-ray sensitive hybrid organic-inorganic systems20202022
 Surface plasmon resonance enhanced light amplification and modulation in organic thin films20202022
 Electrocaloric Effect at high fields – potential of lead-free ferroelectrics for practical application20202021
 Novel transparent nanocomposite oxyfluoride materials for optical applications20182021
 Theoretical prediction of new materials for intermediate temperature ceramic fuel cells20182021
 Computational study of new advanced perovskites for energy applications20202021
 Development of time and polarization resolved kerr spectroscopy20202021
 Research of luminescence mechanisms and dosimeter properties in prospective nitrides and oxides using TL and OSL methods20182021
 Research of extracellular vesicle content from gut microbiome and its’ role in cancer development by applying gut on chip system20202021
 Nanostructured Nitrogenated Carbon Materials as Promoters in Energy Harvesting and Storage Technologies NN-CARMA20182021
 Thin films of rare-earth oxy-hydrides for photochromic applications20202021
 Radiation damage studies in scintillator materials for high-energy physics and medical applications20182021
 Optical properties of advanced silicon dioxide-based materials for ultraviolet and high-power photonics20182021
 Theoretical prediction of hybrid nanostructured photocatalytic materials for efficient water splitting20182020
 X-ray Absorption studies of metal hydrides under extreme pressure (XA-EXTREM)20182020
 Ab initio calculations of ABO3 perovskite surfaces and defects20132016
 Dynamic Self-Assembling at nano scale20132016
 XAFS studies of local structure of functional materials with femtometer accuracy20132016
 Local structure determination in functional materials from x-ray absorption spectra20132016
 Spectroscopic studies of advanced dielectrics and wide-gap semiconductors with different local disorder20132016
 Physical processes in multi-layer and multicomponent structures20092012
 Nuclear structure fundamental studies and nuclear physics practical applications20092012
 Nanostructured materials for environmentally friendly technologies and energetics20092012
 Development of spectroscopic methods and their application to research of multifunctional materials20092012
 Structure in nanoxide compounds and self-organization in stochastic media20092012
PostdoctoralRole of manufacturing process on structure and properties of NBT-based solid solutions20202022
 Influence of crystallite size and composition on the formation of polarons in nanocrystalline tungstates20202022
 Advanced Materials for Sodium Ion Batteries20192022
 Quantum chemical and molecular dynamics study of advanced solids and nanomaterials: challenging road to reality20182021
 Novel nanosized upconverting oxide materials for practical applications20172020
 Reducing/cancelling the effects of vitreous floaters using a phase retrieval method based on coded diffraction patterns20172020
 Blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters for high efficiency OLEDs20172020
Research CooperationSynthesis and studies on controlled porosity composite thin layers and systems for energy storage and conversion applications20142017
Latvia – Lithuania-Taiwan Trilateral Scientific Cooperation ProgramNovel TADF materials and device architectures to enhance the performance of OLED20192021
 Polymeric Emitters with Controllable Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence for Solution-processable OLEDs20192021
 Synthesis and studies of organic electroactive materials for effective and reliable optoelectronic devices20132015
 Materials and processing development for advanced Li ion batteries20122014
 Nonpolar ZnO thin films: growth-related structural and optical properties20142014
 One-Dimensional Nanostructures of Ternary AlGaN and Metal Doped- Zinc Oxide with Tunable Bandgaps: Growth, Characterization and Optical Properties20112013
National Research ProgramTop quark and Higgs physics at the CMS experiment, development of crystal scintillator detectors and sub-detectors of the CMS detector, and the development of particle accelerator technologies for societal applications in collaboration with CERN20202022
 Trends, challenges and solutions of Latvian gas infrastructure development – LAGAS20192021
 Integration of reliable technologies for protection against Covid-19 in healthcare and high-risk areas20202020
 Development of new therapeutic and prophylactic treatments against covid-19 and coronaviruses20202020
 MultIfunctional Materials and composItes, photonicS and nanotechnology (IMIS2)20142018
 Development of novel multifunctional materials, signal processing and information technologies for competitive knowledge-based products20102013
 National Research Programme in Energi and Environment LATENERGI20102013
 National Research Program of Latvia in Materialsciences20102013
 National Research Program of Latvia in Materialsciences20052009
National Research CentreDevelopment of scientific infrastructure for the national research centre of nanostructured and multifunctional materials, constructions and technologies20122015