Solar Cup III

Project „SEC (Solar Energy in Close-Up) transport”

„Solar Cup 2010”


Aim of the project:

The aim of the project is to invent and produce a model of a car/boat/aircraft, whose task is:

  1. For a car in the speed class – drive the set distance in the shortest possible time, using only solar energy available at that time;
  2. For a car in power class – overcome the terrain in the shortest possible time and/or pull the load, using only solar energy available at that time;
  3. For a boat – to be the fastest in the designated track (10-20m) in Daugava (basin), using only solar energy available at that time;
  4. For an aircraft – stay in the air for at least 10 seconds and/or fly the longest distance running down a horizontal ramp, using only solar energy available at that time.