Electronic structure and applications of carbon nanotubes
Pavel N. D’yachkov (Quantum Chemistry Laboratory Kurnakov Institute for General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
1. What is a Carbon Nanotube?
Nanotubes = Giant molecules made of sheets of atoms, coaxially arranged in a cylindrical shape. Geometry of nanotube can be determined by its diameter and chirality vector.
2. Tight Binding p Electron Theory for the Nanotubes.
Analysis of nanotube chiralities shows the (n, m) nanotube will be metallic, if n-m=3k (where n and m are chirality indices while k is integer). Otherwise, they are semiconducting.
3. Experimental Data on the Nanotube Properties.
Carbon nanotube can be metallic, semiconductor, quantum conductor and superconductor. The great electron orbital magnetic moment and spin-orbit coupling are detected in nanotubes.
4. Nanotube based Devices.
A number of examples: nanotransistor, nanodiode, chemical sensors, logic gates, emission devices, nanoradio, nanotube computer, nanoradio.
5. Development of Linear Augmented Cylindrical Wave Method for Nanotubes at IGIC
Cylindrical muffin-tin (MT) potential. Theoretical background. Electronic structure of armchair- and zigzag-type single-wall nanotubes, double-wall nanotubes, chiral nanotubes, and nanotubes with substitutional impurities. Relativistic version of LACW method.
6. Conclusions