The third Student Deep Science Hackathon took place during the weekend of November 5-7. Motivated and enthusiastic students formed teams, devised new and innovative ideas, and presented commercialization plans in STEAM fields (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics).
The three-day virtual workshop was organized by the ISSP UL and the Innovation Center of the University of Latvia (LUMIC). During the hackathon, participants were provided with mentor support, an online collaboration environment, and information on commercialization steps.
Within 48 hours, students and mentors worked together to develop new high-tech ideas based on smart solutions, materials, and sustainability. Seven ideas were submitted to the Student Deep Science Hackathon, and six were successfully developed by the end of the event. The teams offered ideas such as applications to improve the freight process and access to rehabilitation and physiotherapy services, a solution to recycle plastic waste resulting in the acquisition of carbon nanotubes, a security solution against bicycle theft, a new keratin extraction method from sheep’s wool, and application of mycelium composite material in the fashion industry.
The mentors’ team consisted of experts from Technology Accelerator Buildit Latvia, TechHub Riga, and ISSP UL. During the event, participating teams could also use the advice of the invited experts, who gave valuable lectures and told inspiring stories. Business consultant Ģirts Ozoliņš from ISSP UL spoke about the possibilities of commercialization of a scientific idea, Olga Barreto Gonçalves from Latvian Startup Association Startin.LV shared her experience in the startup ecosystem, whereas Madara Kalniņa-Kalnmale from Lightspace Technologies shared her story of going from an idea to a high-tech company.
At the end of the event, the participants presented their work to the jury, which evaluated the teamwork and the achieved results. The jury included representatives from ISSP UL, ISSP UL Foundation, LUMIC, UL Student Business Incubator, and Euro LCDs. The team, which offered the development of a new keratin extraction method from sheep’s wool, won first place, the main prize of EUR 2,000, and a special prize from MikroTik. This team will also have the opportunity to participate in the Technology Accelerator Buildit Latvia program and apply for investment.
The hackathon sponsors are the ISSP UL Foundation, GroGlass, MikroTik, and Red Bull. Event contributors - Technology accelerator Bildit Latvia, TechHub Riga community, Latvian Start-up Association Startin.LV, and Lightspace Technologies.
The Hackathon was co-financed by the University of Latvia ERDF project No. / 18 / A / 007 “University of Latvia Innovation Grants for Students.”
Studenti aicināti piedalīties ideju maratonā “Student Deep science hackathon”
2021. gada 5. – 7. novembrī jau trešo reizi norisināsies LU Cietvielu Fizikas institūta organizētais hakatons “Student Deep Science hackathon”. Pasākums tiks īstenots tiešsaistē, lai sniegtu iespēju studentiem attīstīt savas idejas un sastapt vienlīdz motivētus jauniešus, kā arī iegūt kontaktus ar nozares profesionāļiem.
Pasākums būs kā jaunu inovatīvu ideju radīšanas un attīstīšanas darbnīca virtuālajā vidē, kas paredzēta studentiem, kuri vēlas veidot starpdisciplināras komandas ar inovācijas potenciālu. Meklējam interesantas idejas STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) jomās.
Pasākuma pirmajā diena dalībnieki veidos komandas, balstoties uz iepriekš iesniegtām idejām, attīstīs tās kopā ar mentoriem un pasākuma noslēgumā prezentēs komercializācijas plānu žūrijai, zinātniekiem, investoriem un interesentiem. Pasākuma laikā dalībniekiem tiks nodrošināts profesionālu mentoru atbalsts, kopstrādes vide un informācija komercializācijas soļu veikšanai. Ekspertu lekcijās dalībnieki varēs iegūt vērtīgas zināšanas par to, kā:
- no idejas nonākt līdz pārdodamam produktam;
- uzzināt visu par un ap akseleratoriem, kā arī par StartUp vidi Latvijā;
- no zinātniskās idejas nonākt līdz komercializācijai.
Komandām iespējams cīnīties par balvām 5000 EUR apmērā! Aicināti pieteikties arī interesenti bez idejas. Ikvienam būs iespēja pievienoties kādai no komandām ar savu kompetenci un motivāciju darboties.
Dalība pasākumā ir bezmaksas.
Pieteikšanās noris līdz 5. novembrim:
Pasākums tiek atbalstīts ar ERAF līdzfinansēto projektu Nr. "Latvijas Universitātes inovāciju granti studentiem".