Every year ISSP, UL organizes a scientific conference, where the researchers of the institute talk about their research directions and achievements. Participants from other Latvian and foreign research institutions also regularly participate in these conferences. The aim of the conference is to inform colleagues about the achievements of the laboratory and research directions, to look for opportunities for mutual cooperation, as well as to train the presentation skills of students and young scientists.

41st International Scientific Conference of ISSP UL

The 41st International Scientific Conference of the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (within the framework of the 83rd Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia) will take place from 3rd to 7th March, 2025.

Conference topics will include:

  • Optical materials
  • Organic materials
  • Materials for energy applications
  • Micro and nanofabrication
  • Structure and morphology
  • Theory and modelling
  • Thin films and coatings
  • Nanomaterials
  • Devices and prototypes

Abstract submission will be realised in the CMT Submission system*.

The deadline for abstract submission is February 14, 2025.

For the abstract submission, please:

  • use the template
  • upload pdf version of the abstract

*If you have not used the Microsoft CMT service before, you will need to register by specifying your e-mail address, password, name, surname, represented organization and country. With your e-mail address, you will be able to access the conference platform and submit the title and abstract of the paper. The process of registration and submission of theses is described step by step in this file.

All Annual ISSP UL Scientific Conferences