Work at the leading materials science research institute in the Baltic states!
We are always looking for talented and motivated professionals to join our team. If you don’t see a suitable vacancy at the moment but have the right skills and a passion for working on innovative projects, send your CV and motivation letter to We will review your application and get in touch if a relevant position becomes available.
The key research goals lay under four Priority Research Fields:
Theoretical and experimental studies of materials structure and properties;
Nanotechnology, thin films, nanomaterials, and ceramics;
Functional materials for photonics, sensorics, and electronics;
Materials for energy harvesting and storage.
The ISSP UL vision is sustainable growth of excellence in material sciences in order to contribute to research, development and innovation at the world level by creating and maintaining competitive research environment and world-class scientists.
The ISSP UL mission is to transfer excellence in materials sciences into highly educated people and innovation.
The ISSP UL goal is to strengthen the Institute as Centre for Excellence in Material Research and transfer it into Material Research & Innovation Centre.
The ISSP UL is located in 10 000 m2 office and laboratory building with modern infrastructure and well equipped 650 m2 ISO class 7-8 cleanroom space. Out of 230 ISSP UL employees, 94 have PhD degree and 1/3 are students and early stage researchers.
In addition to announced vacancies You'll find Your place in materials science in one of our 12 laboratories. We especially support young scientists and students that wish to work on their bachelor, master or doctoral thesis in materials science

Vacancy: Precision Injection Molding Engineer in Microfluidics