The micro and nanodevices laboratory does research and fabrication e of various microdevices and nanostructures: microfluidic devices, photonics devices, 2D materials, etc. Microdevices and structures are used in the research of new materials, biological processes and physical phenomena, as well as in the development of new products. Our group has extensive industry experience while working in companies in Europe and USA.
The group ensures the operation of Nanotechnology Center equipment, process development and user training.
- Organs on chips: gut on a chip, lung on a chip. Our group focuses on use of new materials, that would allow to reduce small molecule absorption and would ensure anaerobic conditions. Also we work on integration of sensors.
- Microfluidic devices for extracellular vesicle separation and concentration from biological samples for early cancer diagnostics.
Cell culturing and studies of biological processes takes place at partner organizations.
Additional to applications in biology we are developing microfluidic devices for synthesis of spider silk and studies of magnetic particles.
Photonics: research and development of devices based on organic materials such as Su-8, PMMS and other materials. Studies of light coupling to polymer waveguides.
By combining skills and knowledge in microfluidics and photonics we are developing label free biosensors for detection of cancer biomarkers.
Liquid crystal displays: development of thins films and pattern fabrication for high voltage liquid crystal and other custom displays. Characterization of optical and electrical properties. Displays are made in cooperation with industrial partner EuroLCDs.
Active projects:
Latvian Council of Science
Modelling celiac disease on-a-chip (2024-2026)
Microfluidic chip-based platform towards replacing the in vivo rodent calvarial critical-size defect model (2025-2027)
Polimēru fotoniskie starpsavienojumi augsta blīvuma datu centriem (POLYCONNECT) (2025-2027)
Kvantitatīvs Biosensors Organu-uz-Čipa Sistēmās (Q-BIOS) (2025-2027)
Accomplished projects:
Latvian Council of Science
Development of carbonic anhydrase IX test biosensor for cancer screening (2022-2024)
Topological semimetals towards low-dissipation electronics (2022-2024)
National Research Program
Smart Materials, Photonics, Technologies and Engineering Ecosystem (2022-2024)
Development of new therapeutic and prophylactic treatments against covid-19 and coronaviruses (2020)
European Regional Development Fund (LIAA administrated)
Mass-manufacturable gut on a chip device (2020-2022)
Optical gas sensor (2020-2022)
- Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre (Dr.A.Abols and prof .A.Line)
- Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (Dr. K.Jaudzems)
- University of Latvia,
- Institute of chemical physics
- Laboratory of Magnetic Soft Materials (Dr. G.Kitenbergs)
- Laser center (Dr. A.Berzins)
- EuroLCDs
- LightSpace Technologies
- KTH (A.Herland)
- RISE (Dr.Q.Wang)
Letko, E.; Bundulis, A.; Vanags, E.; Mozolevskis, G. Lossy Mode Resonance in Photonic Integrated Circuits. Opt. Lasers Eng. 2024, 181, 108387, doi:10.1016/J.OPTLASENG.2024.108387.
Ruska, R.; Sarakovskis, A.; Zutis, E.; Paidere, G.; Vozny, I.; Cipa, J.; Gabrusenoks, J.; Freimanis, T.; Zalubovskis, R.; Anspoks, A. Off-Stoichiometry Thiol-Ene Surface Functionalization: Example with Gold Nanoparticles. Mater. 2024, Vol. 17, Page 6135 2024, 17, 6135, doi:10.3390/MA17246135.
Zeglio, E.; Wang, Y.; Jain, S.; Lin, Y.; Avila Ramirez, A.E.; Feng, K.; Guo, X.; Ose, H.; Mozolevskis, G.; Mawad, D.; et al. Mixing Insulating Commodity Polymers with Semiconducting N-Type Polymers Enables High-Performance Electrochemical Transistors. Adv. Mater. 2024, 36, 2302624, doi:10.1002/ADMA.202302624.
Cipa, J.; Endzelins, E.; Abols, A.; Romanchikova, N.; Line, A.; Jenster, G.W.; Mozolevskis, G.; Rimsa, R. Elucidating Extracellular Vesicle Isolation Kinetics via an Integrated Off-Stoichiometry Thiol-Ene and Cyclic Olefin Copolymer Microfluidic Device. Polym. 2024, Vol. 16, Page 3579 2024, 16, 3579, doi:10.3390/POLYM16243579.
Bakute, N.; Andriukonis, E.; Kasperaviciute, K.; Dobilas, J.; Sapurov, M.; Mozolevskis, G.; Stirke, A. Microphysiological System with Integrated Sensors to Study the Effect of Pulsed Electric Field. Sci. Reports 2024 141 2024, 14, 1–12, doi:10.1038/s41598-024-69693-w.
Bakute, N.; Andriukonis, E.; Kasperaviciute, K.; Dobilas, J.; Sapurov, M.; Mozolevskis, G.; Stirke, A. Microphysiological System with Integrated Sensors to Study the Effect of Pulsed Electric Field. Sci. Reports 2024 141 2024, 14, 1–12, doi:10.1038/s41598-024-69693-w.
Goluba, K.; Parfejevs, V.; Rostoka, E.; Jekabsons, K.; Blake, I.; Neimane, A.; Ule, A.A.; Rimsa, R.; Vangravs, R.; Pcolkins, A.; et al. Personalized PDAC Chip with Functional Endothelial Barrier for Tumour Biomarker Detection: A Platform for Precision Medicine Applications. Mater. today. Bio 2024, 29, doi:10.1016/J.MTBIO.2024.101262.
Bajo-Santos, C.; Priedols, M.; Kaukis, P.; Paidere, G.; Gerulis-Bergmanis, R.; Mozolevskis, G.; Abols, A.; Rimsa, R. Extracellular Vesicles Isolation from Large Volume Samples Using a Polydimethylsiloxane-Free Microfluidic Device. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 7971.
A.Berzins, J.Smits, A.Petruhins, R.Rimsa, G.Mozolevskis, M.Zubkins, I.Fescenko. NV microscopy of thermally controlled stresses caused by thin CrO films, Optics Express, 2023
Priedols, M.; Paidere, G.; Santos, C.B.; Miscenko, A.; Bergmanis, R.G.; Spule, A.; Bekere, B.; Mozolevskis, G.; Abols, A.; Rimsa, R. Bifurcated Asymmetric Field Flow Fractionation of Nanoparticles in PDMS-Free Microfluidic Devices for Applications in Label-Free Extracellular Vesicle Separation. Polymers 2023, 15, 789
Letko, E.; Bundulis, A.; Mozolevskis, G. Theoretical Development of Polymer-Based Integrated Lossy-Mode Resonance Sensor for Photonic Integrated Circuits. Photonics 2022, 9, 764.
Jasulaneca L, Meija R, Kauranens E, Sondors R, Andzane J, Rimsa R, Mozolevskis G, Erts D. Cryogenic nanoelectromechanical switch enabled by Bi2Se3 nanoribbons. Mater Sci Eng B Solid State Adv Technol 2022; 275.
Kavaliauskaitė, J.; Kazlauskaitė, A.; Lazutka, J.R.; Mozolevskis, G.; Stirkė, A. Pulsed Electric Fields Alter Expression of NF-κB Promoter-Controlled Gene. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 451.
Kunakova, G.; Kauranens, E.; Niherysh, K.; Bechelany, M.; Smits, K.; Mozolevskis, G.; Bauch, T.; Lombardi, F.; Erts, D. Magnetotransport Studies of Encapsulated Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Nanoribbons. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 768.
R.Rimsa, A.Galvanovskis, J.Plume, F.Rumnieks, K.Grindulis, G.Paidere, S.Erentraute, G.Mozolevskis and A.Abols. Lung on a Chip Development from Off-Stoichiometry Thiol–Ene Polymer, Micromachines 2021, 12(5), 546.
Fu, Y.; Yager, T.; Chikvaidze, G.; Iyer, S.; Wang, Q. Time-Resolved FDTD and Experimental FTIR Study of Gold Micropatch Arrays for Wavelength-Selective Mid-Infrared Optical Coupling. Sensors 2021, 21, 5203.
Scientific degree | Name Surname | Position | Contact information |
Maira Elksne | Head of the laboratory | Maira.Elksne![]() | |
Dr. sc. ing. | Gatis Mozoļevskis | Leading researcher and project manager | Gatis.Mozolevskis![]() |
Dr. sc. ing. | Roberts Rimša | Leading researcher | Roberts.Rimsa![]() |
Jānis Čipa | Researcher | Janis.Cipa![]() | |
Mg. | Edvīns Ļetko | Research Assistant | Edvins.Letko![]() |
Edmunds Zutis | Research Assistant | Edmunds.Zutis![]() | |
Gunita Paidere | Engineer | Gunita.Paidere![]() | |
Bc. | Aleksejs Bendins | Engineer | Aleksejs.Bendins![]() |
Annija Anete Ule | Laboratory Assistant | Annija-Anete.Ule![]() | |
Helēna Ose | Laboratory Assistant | Helena.Ose![]() | |
Daniela Lasmane | Laboratory Assistant | Daniela.Lasmane![]() | |
Pradosh Kumar Sahoo | Laboratory Assistant | Pradosh.Sahoo![]() | |
Līga Jasulaņeca | Laboratory Assistant | Liga.Jasulaneca![]() |
Grāds | Vārds Uzvārds | |
Dr.phys | Arunas Stirke | Pētnieks |
Ralfs Belohvoščiks | ||
Mg. | Arnita Spule | |
Dr.phys. | Thomas Alexander Yager | Vadošais pētnieks |
BSc. | Kārlis Grindulis | Inženieris |