Dr.phys. Jurģis Grūbe
Jurģis Grūbe - a leading researcher of the Laboratory of Spectroscopy and assistant professor at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, and Optometry, University of Latvia. Jurģis' main research interests are related to the study of the spectroscopic properties of different materials, that is, the color of their luminescence, how this luminescence can be excited as effectively as possible, and what processes inside the material are responsible for the origin of luminescence.
In his spare time, Jurģis tries to absorb energy in various ways. He enjoys playing board games and doing outdoor sports. He also loves long walks in the forest and riding a bike on gravel and forest roads. Such trips allow him to explore and get to know different parts of Latvia. Whereas playing computer games helps to clear his mind for new scientific ideas to emerge.
True success is not the absence of failure, it is the refusal to surrender. (Lazarus Lake)
PhD Edgars Butanovs
Edgars Butanovs – a leading researcher in the Thin films laboratory, laureate of LAS Ludvigs and Māris Jansons name award in physics. He studies nanostructures and thin films of different semiconductor materials and develops methods for their production, analyzes their physical properties and tests their applicability in electronics and optoelectronics. He also lectures on these topics at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry of the University of Latvia.
In his spare time, Edgars enjoys physical activities - rock climbing and bouldering both indoors and outdoors, as well as cross-country skiing during the winter months. These sports require long-term disciplined training to develop technical skills and physical fitness, thus training the body and mind. In addition, Edgar enjoys taking photos, which is a good way to develop creative thinking.
Dr.phys. Varis Karitāns
Varis Karitāns – a leading researcher in ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Visual Perception. His work is related to adaptive optics and image quality control. The laboratory studies methods of optical distortion compensation and various algorithms to achieve this goal. In the future, the laboratory plans to do more research in materials science in order to create complex optical components for the development of new wavefront sensors.
In his spare time, Varis enjoys watching stars; he is always looking forward to clear skies. He goes to Baldone observatory on such nights, where he has access to a big telescope. Varis also does public sky demonstrations at the observatory for some interested people. He also enjoys long walks, especially along the sea.
The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it. ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
Mg. Līga Bikše
Līga Bikše - Research Assistant in the Laboratory of Materials Morphology and Structure Investigations and coordinator of the Taiwan and Baltic States Research Center on Physics in Latvia. Līga modifies (improves) surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy technique by designing and patterning noble metal nanostructure systems with the aim to develop a mobile device for rapid virus/molecule detection.
Since the age of three, Līga has been into folk dances. She has been an active participant in the dance ensemble "Daiļrade", but now Līga gradually says goodbye to active dancing. However, the dance is still present in her everyday life - twice a week, Līga travels to her hometown Valmiera to lead a youth dance group "Sadancis”.
“The more You practice, the better You get, the more freedom You have to create.” – Jocko Willink
Mg. Aleksandrs Platoņenko
Aleksandrs Platoņenko – researcher in the Laboratory of Kinetics in Self-Organizing Systems.
Studies defects in solids, their properties and formation mechanisms experimentally and with the help of computer modeling. His research aims to predict the radiation resistance of the materials, changes in their properties after prolonged exposure to radiation, thus allowing the materials to be used longer and more efficiently.
Aleksandrs’ hobbies are active recreation - trail running and mountain tourism and music - DJing, scratching and collecting vinyl records.
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”
— Marie Curie
Mg. Ivita Bite
Ivita Bite – researcher at the Laboratory of Optical Materials and winner of the L’Oréal Baltic For Women in Science Award. She studies various chemical and physical synthesis methods of oxide materials. The aim of her research is to improve the synthesis of these materials so they have lower total chemical consumption, are as energy-efficient as possible, are more environmentally friendly, and have improved morphological and physical properties.
In her spare time, Ivita enjoys being outdoors, freeing her mind and gaining fresh energy, so most of her hobbies are outdoor sports - trail running, disc golf, hiking, orienteering, etc. She also enjoys board games that develop strategic thinking.
“Not having the best situation, but seeing the best in your situation is the key to happiness.”
— Marie Forleo
Doctor of physics Anatolijs Šarakovskis

Leading researcher, deputy director, head of Laboratory of Spectrocopy, associated professor, corresponding member of Latvian Academy of Sciences. Conducts research on luminescence in different materials to make our lives brighter.
Doctor of physics Andris Antuzevičs

Leading researcher at the Laboratory of Spectroscopy, assistant professor in the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry and author of enrties in the Latvian National Encyclopedia. An enthusiast of EPR spectroscopy unravelling mysteries of unpaired electrons in magnetic field to enrich fundamental knowledge about the role of defects in solids.
PhD in physics Jeļena Butikova

#EUROfusion LV project manager who specialises in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and investigates the impurities in the plasma-facing materials so that the fusion reactor can became a routine thing for everyone as soon as possible.
Future doctor of physics Natālija Tetervenoka
Doctor of Physics and future doctor of physics Kaspars and Inga Pudži

Young and talented, winners of scientific awards and scholarships, study various properties of functional materials to be able to control and use them in practical applications. Kaspars works on thermoelectric properties where heat energy can be directly converted into electricity. Kaspars uses this effect to create a sensor that detects not only heat but also light. Whereas Inga in her dissertation uses X-rays to study various thermochromic materials that change their color under the influence of temperature, opening up the possibility of using them as temperature indicators. Together, the two are working on research of new composite materials for the X-ray detector.
Future doctor of physics Ainars Knoks

Reasercher at the Laboratory of Materials for energy harvesting and storage. Tackles pollution problems by investigating nanostructured titanium oxide and its properties for use in pollution degradation via solar radiation.

Also Ainārs - a knight studying the lifestyle and history of Semigallian tribes by reconstructing their lifestyle during 10th-11th centuries, trained in martial arts, a champion of reenactment tournament of sword fight at Mežotne castle mound, owner of taekwondo 2nd degree black belt.
Scienti pro Patria!
Doctor of Physics Līga Grīnberga

Head of Information and Communication Department, L'Oreal Baltic scholarship winner, corresponding member of Latvian Academy of Sciences.
In science she is passionate about hydrogen energy, organizes conferences and events, and clearly knows that physicists are NORMAL people!