
Latvian Open Science Strategy 2021-2027 now in English

Dr.phys. Roberts Eglītis co-author of two articles in a high-rank scientific journals

Latvian start-up “Cellbox Labs” purchased at an auction the technology developed by our Institute

ISSP UL received the status of “Family-friendly workplace”

The student of Dr. Alexei Kuzmin and Dr. Juris Purāns has won the highest award in the field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy

ESI Student Innovation Programme invites to join webinar about “Measuring the social impact – how to report and capture it”

ERC announces 2023 work programme

Video on Innovation and technology portal Magnetic Latvia | Labs of Latvia: Developing a Solution for Amateur Astronomers

How to keep science open – but also secure? G7 nations work on an answer