
Congratulations to Dr.habil.phys. Vladimir Kuzovkov on receiving the Edgars Siliņš award!

Evaluation of the ISSP UL in the Research Assessment Excercise

Latvian Academy of Sciences Division of Physical and Technical Sciences lecture by Niels Egede Christensen

10th International Young Scientist conference “Developments in Optics and Communications” and Laserlab III Training School for Potential Users “Laser Applications in Spectroscopy, Industry and Medicine”

Andris Voitkans defend PhD thesis "Structure and photophysical processes in 0D&1D InGaN composite materials"

Andris Anspoks defend PhD thesis "Studies of local structure relaxation in nanomaterials"

Abstract submission for Joint International Symposium RCBJSF – 2014 - FM&NT is extended

ISSP UL Scientific workshop

ISSP UL Scientific workshop