
Agenskalns State Gymnasium students visit the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia

Martins Zubkins defends PhD thesis "Development of transparent conducting ZnO based films deposition process and films characterization"

New COST Programmes

University of Latvia is also ranked by the Times Higher Education

Leading researcher of the ISSP UL Dr. Phys. A. Popov, gives lectures at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of K. Zhubanov University in Kazakzstan

Yuri Shunin Obituary

We are proud to announce that Dr. phys. Aleksey Kuzmin has become a professor.

For the 76th time, the University of Latvia hosted an annual scientific conference that ended with readings by doctoral students

Congratulations to the scientists of the ISSP UL on the gold medal of the Moscow International Exhibition on Inventions and Innovation Technologies!