
Latvian delegates meet scientists and in-kind administrators at ESS

The European Commission will invest 15 million Euro in the Centre of Excellence of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia

"Functional materials and Nanotechnologies" FM&NT-2017

ISSP UL preliminary selection of postdoctoral project

Participation of Solar Tree from Institute of Solid State Physics, University in Latvia, in Bella SkyWay festival in Torun (Poland), August 23-28, 2016

ISSP UL Annual report 2015

The Institute of Solid State Physics is organising an international conference “The Second European Workshop on Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction” on July 4-7, 2016 in Riga within the framework of COST action MP1303.

CAMART2 Newsletter No. 2

Ilze Dimanta defend PhD thesis "Biohydrogen production from crude glycerol, lactose and hydrogen storage possibilties with metalhydrides from fermentation broth"