The space industry supports essential scientific research. For the exploration of the universe and the Earth, as well as the acquired competences, space research based on satellite technology drives research, research and industry to technological excellence and innovation.

Currently 10 Latvian research institutions - University of Latvia, Riga Technical University, Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center, Institute of Electronics and Computer Sciences, Foundation "Institute of Environmental Solutions", Rēzekne Academy of Technology, Latvian Institute of Biosciences and Technology university, SIA "Cryogenic and Vacuum Systems" - are seriously involved in international development and research activities in the field of space technology.

The space environment (vacuum, high stability with minimal energy consumption) places the highest demands on engineering and thus remains a challenging research area. Therefore, space science contributes to further education and training of future experts. In addition, space and related topics help students discover the magic of research, technology, and math.

Opportunities offered by ESA at the doctoral level:

  • Preparation of doctoral theses in cooperation with industry.
  • Research co-financed by ESA.
  • ESA Research Grants.

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