
Latvian research organizations and universities actively participate in space industry projects and create world-class knowledge

Vacancy: Industry Expert (SWEB project)

Vacancy: Project Developer (SWEB project)

International cooperation and funding for research will be promoted

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science join the Memorandum of Understanding on the Development of Quantum Technologies in Latvia

Vacancy: Li-ion Batteries - Scientific assistant (PhD student, evtl. also Master’s student)

Vacancy: Supercapacitors - Scientific assistant (PhD student, evtl. also Master’s student)

Global Experts of Luminescence and Scintillation Materials Gather in Riga (LUMDETR 2024)

Riga to host 12th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Ionizing Radiation Transformers (LUMDETR 2024)