The Energy Materials Laboratory at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL), invites a scientific assistant to join the project team.


Institute of Solid-State Physics, University of Latvia, Laboratory of Energy Storage and Harvesting works to advance environmentally friendly energy storage and harvesting solutions. Our main research directions are materials for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries, photo- and electrocatalysis and hydrogen-based energy solutions. We are currently looking for additions to our team working on lithium- and sodium-ion batteries.

We invite you to join the team that researches and develops materials for lithium and sodium batteries in cooperation with leading European research institutes and companies. Our goal is to expand the field's understanding of battery materials and how they work, and help the industry develop sustainable batteries with improved electrochemical performance. You will be joining an international research project that focusses on sustainable development of electrodes for Li-ion batteries. The project ends on 30.06.2029., which is also the expiration date of the initial work contract. Subsequent continuation of the research topic is possible.

Work tasks

  • Synthesis, structural and compositional analysis of battery electrode materials
  • Assembling batteries, performing electrochemical measurements
  • Work in a team with knowledgeable colleagues and expanding your and your colleagues' knowledge in the field
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Participation in the preparation of scientific articles and attendance of scientific conferences


  • Master's degree in physics, chemistry, materials science or related field
  • Experience in conducting and analysing experiments
  • Positive attitude, desire to learn and acquire new knowledge, including in doctoral studies
  • High sense of responsibility, ability to work independently and in a team, good organizational skills
  • Good knowledge of English

Our offer

  • Work in an innovative and rapidly growing environment
  • Cooperation with European battery manufacturers and leading research institutes as part of a scientific project
  • In case of interest, we will support international research exchange
  • Flexible working hours
  • Health insurance
  • Possibility to combine work with doctoral studies
  • A salary corresponding to the performance, range 1200 - 2000 Eur gross per month for a full-time position

The vacancy can also be adjusted to master's level (recently obtained bachelor's degree).

Please send your CV and transcript to 
