On the 25th of September 2023, the SWEB project team represented by its coordinator Timurs Safiulins enthusiastically joined the third edition of the "World Turns Deep Tech" networking and matchmaking event. This event, organized by SSE Riga, was designed to connect young scientists and students across various specializations, including economics, business, design, law, and more, with a particular focus on exploring topics related to future energy possibilities.

Timurs Safiulins took a stage during the event presenting the SWEB project's compelling vision, objectives, and ongoing activities. A significant emphasis was placed on the SECURE strategy development, which seeks to chart the course toward stakeholder convergence. This strategic alignment positions SWEB as a key player in the regional smart coating landscape, and increases awareness generated by these efforts laying the foundation for multidisciplinary research opportunities and enhances access to funding.

In addition to sharing the project's journey, Timurs provided valuable insights into his experience in the project’s spin-off start-up Crystalinx established together with SWEB lead researcher Dr.Boris Polyakov. This innovative venture is dedicated to the development of photochromic coatings for motorcycle helmet visors, exemplifying the practical applications arising from the SWEB project's research endeavors.

Wrapping-up the presentation, SWEB team invited and encouraged students to explore the world of research-business collaboration by participating in the upcoming Hydrogen X Future Hackathon organized by the ISSP from the 6th to the 8th of October. This event promises a unique opportunity for aspiring talents to contribute to cutting-edge research and innovation.

The SWEB project team continues to be at the forefront of sustainable energy solutions and research collaboration, actively engaging with the next generation of scientists and entrepreneurs to shape a more sustainable and innovative future.

Learn more about "Hydrogen X Future Hackaton"
