The European Research Council plans to support 39 projects with €400 million in 2024 as part of its Synergy Grant programme. The maximum grant available for one project is €10 million with the opportunity to receive additional financing of up to €4 million.

Groups of two to four researchers can apply for a Synergy Grant.

The application deadline is the 8th November. Results for round one will be announced on the 3rd May, 2024, while results for round two will be published on the 30th August, 2024, and round 3 results will be announced on the 4th November, 2024. Contracts could be signed with grant recipients starting from March 2025.

The aim of the European Research Council is to provide appealing, long-term financing to support top-class researchers and their teams in undertaking revolutionary high-risk and high-reward research. For the period of 2021 to 2027, the European Research Council’s budget as part of the Horizon Europe programme is more than €16 billion.

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