Riga TechGirls invite to organization's yearly “Career Speed Dating 2023” event, that aims to bring together tech talent and digital-minded companies for a speedy recruitment process.


How does it work?

Before the event Riga TechGirls will share the companies who will be at the event and their open positions.

During the event these IT companies will pitch themselves in 1 minute, after which candidates will get a chance to move between the ‘stations’ and have 5 min time slots to pitch themselves to the company and ask any questions about the recruitment process.

After the “speed-dating” part candidates and company representatives will get a chance to network and talk more if they have found a fit.


Companies: HR, recruiters, hiring managers, IT professionals from digital agencies, companies and tech start-ups that are keen on building a diverse environment.

Participants: IT program graduates and junior professionals, who are looking for work, internship, or further career development scenarios in the fields of Software development (front-end & back-end), System/Database administration, UI/UX design, QA, Product & Project management, Data Analytics, IT Support, DevOps and Cyber security and others.


This year everyone can take the maximum out of “Career Speed Dating” and can participate in the event with several options:

1. ONLINE - 5th of June, Monday, 12.00 - 14.00

Join our event online via an online networking platform. Instructions will be provided.

2. IN PERSON - 5th of June, Monday, 15.00 - 17.00

During HackCodeX you're joining the Job Fair and have the opportunity to talk to participants and company representatives in person and have more networking options.

Companies can get their own standing table and space for a banner.

Address - Riga, Hanzas iela 16A, Hanzas Perons.

3. BOTH - online and in person, 5th of June, Monday, at 12.00 and at 15.00.


Agenda for ONLINE event:

  • 12:00 - Guest welcoming
  • 12:10 - RTG introduction
  • 12:15 - Company presentation in 1 min pitch format
  • 12:45 - Q&A session in speed dating format (5 min per person)
  • 13:30 - Wrap up of speed dating
  • 13:45 - Overview from RTG and networking
  • 14:00 - Closing of event

To participate:

- Participants need to fill in this form by 1st of June: https://ej.uz/FormParticipants

- Companies need to fill in this form by 1st of June: https://ej.uz/FormCompanies

In case of questions please contact oksana.tatarina@rigatechgirls.com
