Latvian researchers have been working with quantum technologies for many years and excel in several areas. For example, the University of Latvia (UL) has the most success in quantum computing and software algorithm research, while Riga Technical University (RTU) is developing so-called frequency combs.

The active elements of a quantum device can usually only be seen in an electron beam microscope; the precision must be down to the molecular level. The Nanotechnology Centre at the Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP) at the UL can fabricate the nano-sized structures needed to make quantum electronic and photonic devices.

As to when and how the ISSP UL decided to focus on quantum technologies, Andris Anspoks, head of the institute, points out that it is difficult to draw a line between quantum and “non-quantum” technologies. “Even the simplest transistor, photo sensor and laser that we use in photo and video cameras or laser meters are based on certain effects of quantum physics. But today we call quantum devices those that operate with individual electrons rather than electric currents, and individual quanta of light, photons, rather than light in general. Interestingly, some of these quantum technologies have been around for a long time, but it took a long time to translate the technology into a product,” says Anspoks.

One example of a quantum device is the frequency comb being developed by the ISSP UL, the Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy of the University of Latvia, and RTU. The aim is to achieve faster optical communications, more sensitive sensors.

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