Latvian research institutes and universities are building a co-creation research ecosystem to commercialise scientific results in photonics, smart materials, microfluidics, robotics, IoT, and related technologies, thereby strengthening innovation and manufacturing capacity for high value-added products.

The “Ecosystem of Smart Materials, Photonics, Technologies, and Engineering” project brings together the Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP) of the University of Latvia, Riga Technical University (RTU), University of Latvia, Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, and Rēzekne Academy of Technologies. Using the partners’ competences and scientific contributions, the cluster will implement interdisciplinary research that could become the basis for the development of internationally competitive technologies, products, and services, as well as new economic sectors in Latvia.

“The future belongs to interdisciplinary research and innovation, where physics, biology, medicine, electronics, and information technology meet. I expect that together we will achieve remarkable results and this initiative will continue,” says ISSP director Andris Anspoks.

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