Dear scientists!

If you have scientific achievements you would like to commercialize but are not sure about the practical steps to start this journey, we have a solution for you.

Apply for the Online training: Cutting-edge entrepreneurship - "Commercialization Dive" and learn how to choose the right type of commercialization and work in a team with entrepreneurs.

Upon completion of this program, you will walk away with:

1. Knowledge of how to commercialize scientific findings and what practical steps you need to take for that.

2. Insight why the commercialization of knowledge is important, what is the role of the university in this process and what kind of support you can have.

3. Understanding of the deep-tech startup life cycle and roles of scientists and entrepreneurs at each stage (with real cases from Latvia and abroad).

4. Entry ticket to the Ignition Event on the 31st of March this year where you will be able to present your scientific achievements to Latvian entrepreneurs and possibly form a start-up team.

5.  A certificate about the acquisition of the program.


This training program will be free of charge.

Working language – English

Lessons will take place online, from 15 February.

2 lessons + individual sessions for selected projects.

The program and list of speakers are attached.

More info and registration here:

The training is implemented within the framework of the European Regional Development Fund project Innovation Motivation Program and Technology Transfer Program.
