Twelve partners from industry, government, and academia in Latvia last week signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to develop semiconductor manufacturing capabilities in the country. The initial focus is expected to be on developing relevant skills in Latvia that will support the wider aim of increasing EU independence from other global chip manufacturers.

The memorandum, signed during the 5G Techritory conference in Riga last week, is made up of three key components: developing the microchip ecosystem, developing educational and research capabilities, and fostering development and manufacturing capabilities throughout the entire semiconductor supply chain. Speaking to various people at the conference, it’s clear that the MoU is at present a declaration of intention, and that the MoU partners still have a long way to go to map out what outcomes would be desired. The consensus though was that the initial focus would be on the second element of the mission, which is to develop education and research capabilities, to ensure the right skills are available for the semiconductor ecosystem.

Memorandum partners include Riga Technical University, University of Latvia, University of Latvia – Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia – Institute of Solid State Physics, LMT, Mikrotik, Tet, the Electronic Communications Office of Latvia, the Liepaja Special Economic Zone, the Confederation of Latvian Employers, the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia and the Education and Science Ministry of the Republic of Latvia.

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