National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) Prof. Mitch Chou arrived in Latvia at the end of July, 2021 and chose June 24, 2022 as his return date, which is an official holiday in Latvia.. During the last month, Prof. Mitch Chou and representative of the Taipei Mission in Latvia Andrew Lee got to know several Latvian high-tech companies – GroGlass, Sidrabe Vacuum SIA, Light Guide Optics International Ltd. Ceram Optec SIA, Baltic Scientific Instruments. Knowing about professor’s imminent departure, the representative of the Taipei mission Andrew Lee held a farewell dinner in honor of Prof. Mitch Chou at his residence on June 18. His colleagues from the Institute of Solid State Physics of University of Latvia (ISSP UL), director Dr. Andris Anspoks, deputy director for scientific affairs Dr. Andris Šternbergs, the head of the Spectroscopy laboratory Dr. Anatolijs Šarakovskis, Prof. Mitch Chou M-era.net project partner and good friend Dr. Laima Trinklere, as well as Līga Bikše, coordinator of Taiwan and the Baltic States Research Center on Physics in Latvia were also invited to dinner. During the dinner, there were many sincere toasts, comparisons of the two cultures and unifying values. Have a safe flight back home Prof. Mitch Chou, and see You soon!