On May 9, the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) focusing on the field of laser light sources with the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) in Lithuania, a country renowned for its original mechanical technologies. The FTMC is the largest national research institute in Lithuania, founded by the merger of research institutes in the fields of physics, chemistry, and semiconductor physics.

In addition, the KIMM delegation visited the Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering at Riga Technical University (MMI RTU) and the Institute of Solid State Physics at the University of Latvia (ISP UL). During these visits, they discussed plans for cooperation in KIMM’s main research areas, including advanced production equipment and nanotechnology.

By expanding the international cooperation network to Lithuania and Latvia, KIMM has broadened the foundation for cooperation with Baltic States, strong players in basic mechanical technology research.


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