In 2020, there were 3,938 women and 3,781 men with PhDs in Latvia, according to the Central Statistical Office. The balance is almost perfect, but we need to try to get more people involved in science so that there are more women and more men in the field. This can be achieved by creating interest as early as possible: at school.

There were 6.3 million women scientists and engineers in the EU in 2019, according to Eurostat. This represents 41% of the total number of people employed in this field. In Latvia, the figure is 53%.

“Looking at the statistics of the Ministry of Education and Science on the number of women and men in science, I think Latvia is almost an ideal country! 54% of men in science, means 46% of women, which is almost half! This ratio is closer to a balance than in the medical and health sciences, where the proportion of women is 68%,” says Head of the Information and Communication Unit at the Institute of Solid State Physics Dr. Phys. Līga Grīnberga

“In general, Latvia should support and encourage the skills development of able students, whatever the field!” emphasises Grīnberga. How to encourage it? By informing and inspiring. By showing, in a credible but “tasty” way, what the scientific environment is really like, what the daily work and events are like, what the opportunities and responsibilities are. Grīnberga believes that the L’Oreal for Women in Science fellowship is an excellent way to support women scientists, which also attracts media attention.

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