From March 24 to April 28 takes place 6-weeks hands-on training on how to build your deep-tech start-up.

Already now there are several million euros in Latvia available for emerging start-ups. There are scientists whose inventions await market application.

On completion of this program everyone will walk away with:

  • Understanding of how to establish and manage your deep-tech start-up.
  • Knowledge of how to commercialize scientific findings and what steps you need to build a sustainable business model.
  • Insight how and where to pitch for finances, what funds are available now, and how to apply for them.
  • Entry ticket to Ignition Event in May this year where you will be able to meet scientists, learn about their findings and possibly form a start-up team.

This program is for everybody who:

  • Considers taking the first steps in deep-tech entrepreneurship, and starts the journey towards business with added value.
  • Eagers to challenge himself/herself, learn new skills, and immerses in the world where business blends with science.
  • Is already start-up entrepreneur but this time wants to explore a new area and start a new business.

This training program will be free of charge.

Working language – English.

Study plan and information about lecturers
