JRC supported the creation of an EU excellence hub on standards, and will continue to be a key enabler in developing and implementing standardisation

The Commission adopted an EU Standardisation Strategy outlining the vision for standards within the Single Market and globally. The Joint Research Centre (JRC) contributed to a more effective translation of research and innovation into standardisation and provided input on foresight, pre-normative research and on bringing independent, scientific and technical knowledge for drafting state-of-the-art standards with a European dimension.  

JRC will continue its collaboration with CEN and CENELEC by bringing its expertise closer to the standards drafting process.

It will actively participate in the Putting Science into Standards Workshops, mapping existing and missing standardisation efforts to assess and recommend actions needed to start the process of drafting new, or complementing existing standards.

More information: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/news/state-art-research-and-innovation-supports-european-standardisation
