The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia organized the 4th Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Business Forum, which took place on 24 and 25 November 2021 in a virtual environment.

The aim of the forum is to introduce the foreign companies with Latvia’s developments in mechanical engineering and to spur their international growth. We are inviting companies to explore the opportunities in the vibrant engineering sector of Latvia by either establishing a business or sourcing new suppliers from Latvia.

The programme includes:

  • Overview of the present mechanical engineering sector in Latvia – statistics, insights, perspectives and challenges of today;
  • Discussions on the future of engineering sector, new markets and development of supplier networks in regional, national and international levels;
  • Networking and matchmaking event for the foreign buyers and local companies.

On 24th November in the Panel discussion “High tech & Innovations” participated  also general manager of Materize, PhD in Physics, visionary, mentor, advisor and science communicator - Andris Anspoks.


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