"My goal is to make the Institute even stronger in five years' time. It is important to ensure the development of the Institute's scientific ideas and innovations, the key to the growth of which is the increasing international cooperation. We need to become a center of excellence so that everyone could say - the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia is an excellent place for science and innovation.

Much has been achieved so far, but we can still learn from the most successful examples both in Latvia and in Europe, facilitating dynamic growth in each of the Institute's areas, using every opportunity in this process and establishing a unified, results-oriented administration. "

Based on the protocol No 10 of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) from September 24, 2021, the Senate of the University of Latvia unanimously approved the former ISSP UL’s Deputy Director for Innovation and the leading researcher of the EXAFS Spectroscopy Laboratory Dr.phys. Andris Anspoks as the Director of ISSP UL. The new director has taken office on November 1.

The director's work strategy includes several important areas of activity - one of the most important being implementation of the ISSP UL’s science development program. The program aims at promoting the development of new and promising directions such as microfluidics, photonics, and quantum technologies, as well as strengthening the scientific excellence in solid-state theory, spectroscopy, thin films, and organic materials research. In the context of international cooperation, the need to continue the successful ongoing activities of the scientist-to-scientist network with CAMART² collaboration partners is emphasized, extending them to the rest of Europe and Israel, as well as maintaining and strengthening the already existing cooperation.

Another challenge is to increase the volume of commercial returns to reach 20% of the Institute's total revenues. For this purpose, the MATERIZE platform has already been established. Its team works with industry partner engagement, innovation development, technology transfer, including patent management, making a significant contribution to the implementation of the goal.

The attraction and mobility of students, especially doctoral students and young researchers, has a significant role in ensuring the sustainable development of the Institute and provides the opportunity for the students to become acquainted with the work of other institutions - leaders in their fields. Equally important is the flow of foreign students and postdoctoral students to the ISSP UL, the career development of employees, as well as the perfection of staff development processes. The new director plans to strengthen cooperation with the largest Latvian universities – University of Latvia and Riga Technical University, which would provide an opportunity to educate the new generation of students, offering ISSP UL’s scientific competence and infrastructure as an excellent base for the study process implementation and development of qualification papers.


Director Dr.phys. Andris Anspoks points out: "Passion drives progress!"
