Innovation Newsnetwork has published an article about Materize - an innovation platform designed to establish a single point of contact between scientists and industry.

In 2018, the Institute of Solid State Physics at the University of Latvia (ISSP UL) – the internationally-recognised leader in the materials sciences and cross-disciplinary topics in the Baltic States – created Materize. This is an industry collaboration innovation platform designed to establish a single point of contact where science can be beneficial to business and which also provides access to both the expertise and resources of the ISSP UL.

Olga Bogdanova, Materize Sales Director, said: “Everything we do is targeted to connect clients with science and ensure we help to resolve all issues they are struggling with along the way.”

By drawing on the experience of ISSP UL, Materize works alongside industry to develop internationally competitive research innovations in the fields of thin films, electronics, light emitters, fibre optics, sensors, and photonics which have applications ranging from ICT to energy harvesting.

The photonics and smart materials ecosystems have been formed in order to establish a joint state-supported development plan for this industry in addition to creating synergy via co-operation between institutions. The entire region will benefit from this ecosystem as there will be young, well-educated people and research projects in this field which will allow new products to be developed, additional work places, and economic growth.

These activities are supported by the ISSP UL’s Horizon 2020 Teaming project CAMART², which, as one of the largest projects in Latvian science, received European Commission funding for strategic development in assistance of the top players in the field from Sweden – Royal Institute of Technologies (KTH) and Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE).

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