In 2017 and 2018 the University of Latvia (UL) Centre for Diaspora and Migration Research carried out a survey of Latvia's scientists and researchers. These surveys demonstrated the desire of the Latvian diaspora to collaborate with scientists and researchers in Latvia. However, currently there is no systematic way to facilitate this collaboration.

Currently there is work in progress to address this issue and develop networking solutions that would create the foundation for further collaboration opportunities for diaspora scientists and researchers in Latvia; to find out about each other and identify similar research interests. Part of this work is a survey commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia with the aim to gain information that would allow creating a database or a networking platform to support collaboration between the diaspora and researchers in Latvia.

The Diaspora and Migration Research Centre, which is conducting this study, invites all scientists and researchers who work in academic, public, private or NGO sectors, including current Masters and PhD students who have links with Latvia but live abroad to take part in this survey.

The survey will be open from 31 May to 25 June 2021. The questionnaire should take around 10 minutes of your time. You can access it in Latvian or English. If you have received an individual invitation from us to participate in the study, please participate in the survey using the link sent to you in the e-mail.

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